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  1. M

    Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize

    Your absolutely wrong. Get your facts straight before posting crap:
  2. M

    Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize

    I don't think Obama is a bad man, at least not an asshole like bush, but WTF???? The Nobel prize for PEACE is being awarded to a president of a country who is currently fighting TWO wars???? Right, kissinger got one too, still that bar is really set low.
  3. M

    For the Progressives in the forum ...

    And you fall right into that trap by focusing on that shit instead of the real issues. Just stop paying attention to fox, cnn, msnbc and any other "news" outlet. and stop this label nonsense.
  4. M

    For the Progressives in the forum ...

    Ah, a good fight over labels.
  5. M

    Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!

    I have been praying for a cannabis plant to be so fertile, that the multiplication rate would make useless weeds look like rare flowers. However, Obama will die eventually, so will you and so will I. Hope my prayer comes in first!
  6. M

    For the Progressives in the forum ...

    I'm not sure what I would label myself but here goes: The environment will continuously go down the crap hole but at least the interests that keep the outdated technology in place will slowly lose grip. Manufacturing will continue to be decimated once the carbon exchanges are in place...
  7. M

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    A recent poll result in Iowa showed that 92% of people were not in any way impacted by this, so I am wondering how would the 8% others were mpacted assuming that they didn't include gay people in this survey. I can see city clerks having a little more paper work, priests who will actually be...
  8. M


    I don't get these birthers Obama birth certificate nonsense. If your going to attack Obama, go after him for: Supporting TARP 1 when he was in the Senate TARP 2 All the other alphabet bailouts for the banks Bailouts for the auto industry Tim Geithner, Bernanke shitbox for cash deal giving the...
  9. M

    You've got to admit this is funny.

    It is kinda of ha ha funny, but it's scary to think that these people have the right to vote and even worse, procreate!
  10. M

    Which swear word is worse? - cunt or fuck

    For some reason calling someone a retard seems more offensive, well from experience. I have had much more negative reaction by calling people who think they are in authority retards than the f word or calling them cocks or dicks (which I guess would be the male version of the word).
  11. M

    Liberal lies about national health care: Bonus joe wilson edition!

    Wow, incredible how people seem to have forgotten the W years. It was not so long ago when he and Ted K. teamed up to propose amnesty for those hated illegals. Funny thing is that most people complaining about the "illegals" have ancestors who came to America without proper documentation or...
  12. M

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    No, but W did spend an awful lot of time on vacation prior to september 11th 2001 Those secret service agents do not work for free. Actually to be fair on that one, I believe that GM should have been rightfully reduced to its real value, which was ZERO. So if I understand you...
  13. M

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    Yet no problem with the biggest government bureaucracy ever created ie: HMS? No problem with the Patriot Act? No problem with illegally wiretapping your phones? No problem giving no bid contracts to your vice president's former company? No problem hiring mercenaries to do a job that would...
  14. M

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    Is he really worst than the last 8 years? Yes, he did make fun of online pot smokers while in his youth he was a coke head, but come on, we had W. Let's face it, it's all about race.
  15. M

    Liberals - I want a divorce

    Actually you can keep the following: NBC and Hollywood, they would fall under the "greedy CEOs" category. Since your taking Wall Street, we will retain the supply of gold, silver, copper, grains and any other commodity that's useful and has value, after all, your greedy CEO's and wall street...
  16. M

    Hi, I'm interested in getting the e-mail address. Can you send it to me Thanks.

    Hi, I'm interested in getting the e-mail address. Can you send it to me Thanks.