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  1. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    your common sense is nothing but the product of man you lack faith in you have contradicted yourself on more than one point and should simply stop posting in the thread...this time im serious otherwise please, try to hold a spiritual discussion with me 1on1 you claim open mindedness and common...
  2. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    it seems very much you're wishing to be the intelligent one in the thread in regards to spirituality, if this is the case you should stfu and humble yourself, else be pegged a wannabe nu-shaman or something
  3. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    We all drift in space such is the nature of the dimension we inhabit don't bring personal twists into religious discussion, it is what caused the original separation of man into different religions and belief structures which are still being fought today instead set an example of enlightened...
  4. T

    With me, it actually is all rasta

    matisyahu has a good gimmick going for him some songs are alright, i do like one in particular quite a bit...but on the overall No. I like the unknown stuff, stuff i had to search for because i heard it played on vinyl and no one knows who it is/where its from rare reggae > * leyr-8Dy6H0
  5. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour
  6. T

    With me, it actually is all rasta

    got so much reggae heres a sample of some of the findable stuff: z8WutgfidwQ 6HHYwigdKfo wK86iJGuGdE only the best ;] Got 80 more gigs of reggae, and will soon be running a shoutcast server to stream it
  7. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    like i stated earlier im completely open to the possibility of there being no central figure of intelligence or creation i dont know why people think IM trying to disprove or prove anything here, im jsut trying to give a better understanding through valid points on topics very close to that of...
  8. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    yeah yeah yeah all i saw was filler for your point, no actual reference or fact
  9. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    You sir for being very open minded about god are very close minded about man being conscious WE ARE GODS my theories are NOT from standard science they are from ME and i correlate facts, history, math, science, and PROBABILITY...
  10. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    myth as in a story created by man, i'd say most current views of "god" are. as far as existing beyond our physical world... does anyone at all read into what i say about consciousness, string theory, multiple dimensions and energy??
  11. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    If you knew much about super-string theory you'd have a sudden new opinion on multiple dimensions. im not speaking of a figure who stands above controlling everything, that would be narrow sighted. Im speaking of the fact that everything has already happened and will happen again because of the...
  12. T

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    the creation guidelines for the universe follow fractal mathematic properties from a very infinitesimal scale to an extremely large one. We are the product of intelligent design simply because consciousness in itself (a sole God?) has the knowledge of everything that has happened, is happening...
  13. T

    Just Got My Reccomendation :)

    Im now a proud, certified, medical cannabis user :D :fire:
  14. T

    Does anyone in SD spin vinyls?

    Im selling my 2 gemini xl-500 II direct drive turntables and numark dm1002mk2 mixer anyone interested? im in SD
  15. T

    here's why you should consider linux ;]

    this is Sabayon Linux a very good customizable distro. the gui is gnome, with a theme, with a dock (awn) and transparency options enabled. the cube desktop and 3d effects (it has many many more) are a feature of COMPIZ and is much more advanced than both OS X and Windows vista/7...
  16. T

    here's why you should consider linux ;]

    once it all works,
  17. T

    Fastest growing bud i've ever seen

    could be male.
  18. T

    How I Feel?

    ah yes it was a photon, my mistake. the LHC should prove some interesting results however it will be years before we hear of any of it. the government will want full research done into the report results as well before releasing a hint to the public it is finished. the spirit realm....the...
  19. T

    Pineapple Express

    is it like this: