Search results

  1. TheTRON

    Powdery White Mildew or Sugar?? Help!!!!

    Well dude. I just had my first grow and it had PM. It was VERY easy to tell apart the PM from the trichomes. I mean especially since it hit way before flower. HOWEVER. I've had two very tiny outbreaks of powdery mildew during the end of this flower. And i have trichomes extending far out into...
  2. TheTRON

    Help! First time grow

    Why is your plant so small for being 3 months old? It should be almost full grown and ready for cycle... Secondly, you are using fish tank water.. I've thought about this myself seeing as I have an 80 gal full of cichlids pooping constantly, however, you dont really know the concentration of...
  3. TheTRON

    Rando Branch Death @ End of flower

    So I am just about to the end of my flower cycle, gettin ready to harvest. I've had 2 occasions of the same thing happening to me.. Maybe a week ago, two branches on my plant just simply died... There are no actual physical signs of death(necrosis, rot, mold, whatever). There was no...
  4. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Super late update, last one was 3 weeks ago: I purchased GP massive and some black strap molasses. Gave the plant a full dose at the recommended levels of massive + medi-one. My PH meter was broken and i totally fucked my PH. This resulted in phosphorous lock out. Almost every leaf started to...
  5. TheTRON

    200 gallon hso blue dream indoor/outdoor grow

    Oh my god. Thats gonna be a goal of mine. Grow a plant thats bigger than my height. Hahah. Im always so hardcore into the LSTing because of how small they are and how much more covert that is. 4 weeks though, cool. good lil comparison point for me cause im about at the same point as you, cant...
  6. TheTRON

    200 gallon hso blue dream indoor/outdoor grow

    Lol holy fuck man.. I went from reading the first page, looking at those lil beautiful bushes to clicking on page 17 seeing em grow up to these amazing giant trees. Jesus man well fucken done!!! Looks like a boss ass yield. Im curious as to the pics on your first page, how far along into flower...
  7. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Not an update to my plant. I just wanted to iterate and stress the benefits of using Neem oil.. So after discovering my mites on my plant, i sprayed with a super diluted solution of Neem oil / safer's insecticidal soap. 3 caps of neem, few ml's of the soap, 1 litre of warmer water. After...
  8. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Update 3(5 Days since last)(week 3-4 flower): Aright, so to pick up where I left off.. Plant was still showing hunger for nitrogen with leaves yellowing faster and faster. So I said fuck it, slammed the bitch with some more Medi-One, and i mean a solid serving, dosage was about 30/ml a gallon...
  9. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Update #2 (Second day since last): So the passed two days ive been combing the plant regularly for traces of WPM only to find out to my surprise that its completely vanished.. for now. So I havent done a thing because if it aint broke dont fix it. Ready for it if it comes back though. The pot...
  10. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Lol i feel you man. I did google this before.. I really couldnt come up with a definitive answer, even posted in another forum about spraying buds directly. I know jorge cervantes dipped his stuff in h202 when he had WPM and just let it dry off.. So i figure its chill ;P. Cheers for the input...
  11. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Hmm, okay, so just curious but any idea as to why water would inhibit the propagation or growth of PM? Ill give it a whirl and see what happens. I really cant see the harm in spraying the plant with some water while a fan is on it too to dry it off and not have any stagnant air. Any idea if its...
  12. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Really eh? I straight googled the fuck outta WPM today and its prevention methods and read that it didnt like water... Which i thought was weird cause mildew/mold loves humidity/moisture aka water... But ya. If i spray ill include some hydro perox then i guess. Is water ineffective even if it...
  13. TheTRON

    My role as a Junior Mod. Nice to meet you all.

    Is there a way to like posts? Cause this was great.
  14. TheTRON

    Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever

    Going to start a grow journal for personal use and out of boredom. Need To Know: Started as a clone, given from a friend of mine. Unknown strain, infected with some awesome White Powdery Mildew. Probably because he stressed the clones out and left them in a box for a long time with no...
  15. TheTRON

    The dreaded WPM - Quick Question

    So im breakin into what seems like the third week of my flowering period and everything's going relatively smoothly since my last post/update. My plant definitely has some dat WPM because ive had very minor break outs on the lower smaller leaves throughout the vegetative period. And im talkin...
  16. TheTRON

    Overall input on my plant?

    Damn okay! Awesome to hear. Another case of over mothering i guess :D. haha. Cheers
  17. TheTRON

    Overall input on my plant?

    The Info: Strain: Unknown, random clone Soil: cant give too much specific detail to be honest.. Its soil from a lot of places with manure, peat moss, perlite, and some other goodies. Nutes: Mainly Medi-One 4-3-3, and one very diluted serving of junglejuice bloom w/ micro a few days ago. This...