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  1. L

    Starting flowering light sched and watering help

    REED!*read* It is always best to water in the morning, and keep them on a strict regimen of just feeding them at a certain time. Depending on how cold ur night temps. are then u could run the risk of mould..possible.
  2. L

    In-Line Fan/Blower Muffling/Noise Reduction

    Im not too sure bout this myself, theoretically speakings (dont think thats spell correctly) Trying to build a box made from particle board not plywood, sealing that box with some silicone then mounting a blower fan with rubber gromets (feeting) to a cut 2x4 plank so that the plank fits inside...
  3. L

    My German Shepherd got KILLED by a car today

    Sorry brother very horrible i had my shepard..Always a tragedy losing family.
  4. L

    I need some advice about lights and yields

    What about the concept of a SOG but in 3 gallon pots... no pinching of course...send me a feeding chart that is in ur plans and i can help.