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  1. D

    7 weeks into flower- how's she look? any tips or pointers...

    Oh, I also heard coffee grounds are great for blooms, too. I'm starting that today.
  2. D

    7 weeks into flower- how's she look? any tips or pointers...

    Mine is about 5 weeks into flower, and she seems to be about 2 weeks behind yours, so I guess our girls are growing at about the same rate. This is my first grow. I logged in just to ask the same question as you did, so I'm glad I found your note and pic first. BTW, I keep mine outside in the...
  3. D

    Where do i take the cutting from

    What a great video. Explains verrry well. Now my prob is that the mother has already begun to flower (otherwise how would I have know it's a female?) I think I'll give it a try anyway.
  4. D

    How to dry...?

    Funny how males are so useless...:hump: Also weird, after 30+ years of smoking daily, I have absolutely no tolerance built up. I get high looking at it.:mrgreen:
  5. D

    How to dry...?

    well, they've had flowers for a few weeks now. When would they be fully mature? Thx for responding
  6. D

    How to dry...?

    Hi ya, My first time growing-got 2 males and 1 female. What should i do with the males? I figure i should smoke it....what's a good way to dry them?