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  1. d.s.m.

    Drought season, ain't talking bout cannabis either...

    And California is I think the only state in the country where well driller's logs are not a matter of public record. They are mandatory, and all on file. The exact location, the diameter and depth of the bore, the types of earth and rock encountered and at what depths, and of course the well's...
  2. d.s.m.

    Drought season, ain't talking bout cannabis either...

    Subsidence is already happening in the Central Valley. It's breaking concrete structures, like canals. This is bad, and it's gonna get worse.
  3. d.s.m.

    Drought season, ain't talking bout cannabis either...

    Gotta love the Internet. Before we had it, the kooks had to stand on street corners wearing signs.
  4. d.s.m.

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    Getting caught growing outdoors will be considered a code violation, not a criminal matter. I plan to carry on as usual.
  5. d.s.m.

    girl scout cookies

    Huh? Can someone translate this for me?
  6. d.s.m.

    medical marijuana convention kush expo etc 2014 post all events here!

    Why is there no ibuprofin fest?
  7. d.s.m.

    Banning dabs?

    We can thank all the stupid assholes that don't have the brains to go outside to blow off the 12 cans they just picked up at the local head shop. "This is why we can't have nice things."
  8. d.s.m.

    how do you store weed for a long time

    Because it evacuates more of the air from the jar. Also, I would rather not heat my smoke up that hot until I am ready to smoke it.
  9. d.s.m.

    how do you store weed for a long time

    I have a FoodSaver Mini Plus. It's pretty old, and I don't think they even make that model any more, but any of them will work as long as they have the port for using an attachment.
  10. d.s.m.

    PHELAN: Men burned when marijuana lab explodes

    I think he probably meant inside.
  11. d.s.m.

    Possible new Cali grower with a few questions...

    This almost made me spray a mouthful of beer all over my keyboard.
  12. d.s.m.

    Blue Dream cuts?

    This is why you don't trust the Internet for anything but advice which you take with a grain of salt. I knew better..
  13. d.s.m.

    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    I just cannot recommend that anyone pay to put themselves on file with the State government as a person that is willfully defying Federal drug laws.
  14. d.s.m.

    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    I have a feeling there is more to this story..
  15. d.s.m.

    Blue Dream cuts?

    Anyone have any last minute ideas? I thought I had it hooked up, but it looks like dude's put me on ignore. Running out of time..
  16. d.s.m.

    Blue Dream cuts?

    Seriously. Looking for some help here..
  17. d.s.m.

    Blue Dream cuts?

    Thanks all. Had some shit going on that kept me busy. Inbox is emptied.
  18. d.s.m.

    Blue Dream cuts?

    Anyone know of a reliable place to grab some this spring? Not too awful far from Sacramento? I got mine from Harborside last year, thinking it would be a no-brainer, and ended up growing little Charlie Brown Christmas trees.. :wall:
  19. d.s.m.

    Medical pot returning to underground - LA Times

    I've been saying exactly this for a long time now. While there were (and may still be?) some honestly altruistic clubs, most of those fuckers would sell underage pussy if they could claim it was for medical reasons.