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  1. RUSTA101


    wat is topping?????? :confused:
  2. RUSTA101


    wat does it mean to top your plant ?????????
  3. RUSTA101


    any idea when i should put my babie into a bigger pot????
  4. RUSTA101


    thanks a lot guys ill keep trying
  5. RUSTA101

    just question

    is it possible to build one ?????????? i live in south africa and u cant get them were i live .. people dont use it here or if they do they dont advertise ... bustards......
  6. RUSTA101

    just question

    wow thanks man... can i convert 4 week old plants into a bubbler?????
  7. RUSTA101

    just question

    WAT IS A BUBBLER???????how does it work ? wat is the aim of the bubbels? how does the setup look like ??????????ANY IDEA RUSTA101 NEVER DYE.
  8. RUSTA101


    so my plants are about 3 weeks onld and i am getting some dead leaves and some brown spots on some leaves,, does not show on wat happining to much water or light burning the leaves??? so tell me wat i could do to become good growers like u guys.
  9. RUSTA101

    Me Again

    well my puppie are growing , just a a few with yello leave........can anyone tell me why.and how long still before i can see male or female? DONT MIND SOME CRITISISM AND ADVICE THANX. RUSTA101 NEVER DYES
  10. RUSTA101

    help help more pics

    here are the rest ........:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: i dont have to much cash so cheap advice thanx
  11. RUSTA101

    HELP HELP new box need advice

    i just started growing some weed cause i can get good weed. so i planted a few good swazi seeds oh well thas wat i think they are ,and they poped up. put them in small pots and all day in the sun, then indoor lights off. they seem to grow pretty well to my surprise.:hump: i live in a complex in...
  12. RUSTA101

    Bin Setup!

    thats u arrid
  13. RUSTA101

    Bin Setup!

    were do u fit the lights ib the bin