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    Pics Of Harvest

    fox farm is the stuff. Easy to use and pretty damm organic if u ask me
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    Hey whats in those jars?

    that shits pretty easy to do right? I could rake in dough selling boomers.No one fucking Has them not to mention i get asked like 5 times a day minimum where to get them? Telling people to fuck off is the best.Gets the job done!:joint:
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    the 2009 wave of hippies and psychedelics

    yup u said it he rants worse than me on oxy nd bout stupider shit lol:spew:
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    The seeds will be mostly female man. Congrats.The bad news is the bud will still be fucking great. OOPs but oh well. Those beans will be bomb guranteed.
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    are stems fuzzy?? and why are my bottom leaves yellow

    How long have they been under 12-12? Id say like 10-20 days to show sex at most. SOme show quick some show slow.
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    seedling tips turning yellow and curling downward?

    Actually quit tripin. You have OCD or something? Move the lights closer put some computer fans on that shit and itll be happy as fvck.
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    seedling tips turning yellow and curling downward?

    how old are they? Your soil looks like the problem to me. Looks like some miracle grow organic
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    man vics are so easy to get ask around at school. 2 weeks ago i got like 2o for small tiNy nugs of schwizzle. like 5 for a blunt. And id pop like 6 a day easy not even that high THat was on top of some 7.5 mg hyydrocodoneI had a bottle of fifteen it was kod in like 2 days man. Dont settle for...
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    man vics are so easy to get ask around at school. 2 weeks ago i got like 2o for small tiNy nugs of schwizzle. like 5 for a blunt. And id pop like 6 a day easy not even that high THat was on top of some 7.5 mg hyydrocodoneI had a bottle of fifteen it was kod in like 2 days man. Dont settle for...
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    RoLLiN 4 The First Time

    Know what your taking first. I suggest looking up the closest major city to you and read whats going round that isnt garbage. And by all means stay away from the purple transformers.
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    Salvia is completely insane.

    Fuck Salvia ...get some real lsd or boomers hell even some good cola if ya wanna have fun....but salvia sucks.Makes your heart go all crazy a nd makes you see shit and hear shit you canot control it ...just no man no
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    My First Indoor Grow

    shut up thats enough. Ive done it as well works great, quit being ALL OCD BOUT THIS ITS A FRICKIN WEED! it wants to live it will survive under the worst conditions and caretakers which would explain how yours have survived the lanky overwaterin rath GOOD luck man you gonna need it :spew:
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    Fuck school.

    My depression pretty much vanished when I got out of that hole. Sure i get sad every now and then but thats human. Do whats best for you.I hate to say it but dont focus entirely on your lady. She loves you now but i can almost guarantee things wont last half as long as you think they will. By...
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    im a roll a huge fatty and toast it to him I wouldnt know what to do with myself if something like that happend to my bro. Stay strong ,stay,love,life.... Peace
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    ya know what? No some people dont but i do. Sorry for your loss's as well and hope your parrot is squaking in heaven
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    maybe its all the norco im on but i almost cryed just thinking about my lil brother dying... im so sorry man i know i wouldnt be able to dedicating my next bowl/blunt to him...what was his name
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    Fuck school.

    dude i was in the exact same situation in september. Im 18 as well and was facing at least another year in high school. I know EXACTLEY how you feel. Do what I did get your ged. At least its a start that is not hard. I havent taken the next step yet but i plan on going back to a community...
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    my babies

    not bad. Not big but definitly a beauty. Looks pretty dank.
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    If They All Die I'ma Go Crazy

    you cna get perlite at walmart and thats pretty much every where and maybe a mix of 30% mg organic 50%perlite and 20% peat moss pucklets broken up. They look like little brown disks.
  20. B

    Am i gonna be ok with these? 4 plants..PICS

    maybe a o an a half at most of some leafy midgrade or schwagg. they just look lacking man,i really dont know where to begin on telling you whats wrong with your plants. at least youll get some free weed