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  1. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    thanks for the info alaskadude. im still waiting to see what the electric bill is gonna look like lol if its too high then ill definitely switch to the CFL, if not ill just raise the light some more to offset it. from what ive read, the light shouldnt be the problem, but then again who knows...
  2. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    actually i might be getting a clone or two from a friend growing northern lights. so hopefully i wont even need to worry about getting seeds and the hastle. so hopefully he will come thru and i can get the ball rolling again. but there are some tempting seeds ive been looking at lol
  3. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    sounds good. thanks again bro. ill talk to u tomorrow.
  4. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    yeah ill probably just keep it inside, the high is supposed to be close to 90 tmrw and the humidity probably will be somewhere around 65-75%. Ill see what its like outside maybe during the later morning.
  5. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    few hours*
  6. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    do you think it would be alright/smart to let the plant get some real sunlight outside for a new hours tomorrow? we get really good sun here, most of the times lol
  7. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    ok hopefully either or still running the light at an 18/6 schedule..think that is alright? also, im going to wait until shes pretty dry to leach the soil again..what do you think? i'm going to try and take new pictures after the light turns on so you can see better pics then the...
  8. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    the baby is looking a little better today. she seems to be standing up a little more then yesterday. the leaves are still curled, but hopefully she can't straighten herself out tonight after her sleep. the soil is still wet from the leeching last night. i'm going to let the soil dry out...
  9. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    i live in the U.S., FL specifically
  10. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    lol i noticed. thanks man that guy is a douche. ill talk to u tomorrow and let u know how she looks.
  11. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    nope not backyard dirt lol the water is the best ill hoping it will help the plant thru this
  12. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    sounds good man. im gonna see what she looks like in the morning. the lights will be on all night till 2 pm so we'll see. im going to go pick up a ph soil tester tomorrow to see if that is the problem. if she does respond, i will be the happiest dad on earth haha keep ur figures crossed!
  13. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    me and my friend were talking about that earlier..unfortunately we dont have another address to ship gonna talk to one of my friends and see if we can ship them there. how would i get a prepaid credit card?
  14. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    yeah thats all i really got left going for me lol ill find out within the next day or two if she responds. ill let you know what happens. thanks again bro.
  15. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    i got this one from a friend and i don't think he has any others. im not 100% about ordering them online.
  16. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    did that yesterday after reading some other posts. I kind of assumed the fan might have contributed to the problem. It's still green and she seems to be responding somewhat to the fresh water..i hope she can hang on!
  17. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    i started flushing it with fresh water today. I'm gonna let it sit over night and see what happens. i'll try and see if I can bring the humidity up a bit. any other ideas?? thanks for you help man. i really appreciate it.
  18. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    its a closet set up. humidity is about 50% at the most, air temp at about 78-82ish. 400 watt MH. i also have an oscillating fan to push the air around.
  19. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    lol thats a great recommendation and trust me that idiot wont be anywhere close to it. unfortunately, I'm not sure if i can get my hands on another seed..think there is anyway this baby can make it? i'm using ph7 water from a RO unit that is used to make water for a fish tank.
  20. G

    Extremely sick baby!

    I know my bad about the pic its on my phone. Yeah man the plant is literally like 2 inches at the most. I'm hoping she can pull through, my roommate really fucked me. any recommendations?