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  1. SmokerSince1983

    Marijauna and sound.

    You know Hank the question isn't dumb at all. Mines in my bedroom closet and everyday when hop in the shower and crank up the music, I wonder the same thing. I would say that there are probably frequencies and tones that could affect the plant however good or bad who knows. If I find out...
  2. SmokerSince1983

    Bonide Tomato Blossom ?

    Hey all, just wondering if anyone knows how the bodine tomato blossom works or if it does? i am growing my first plant and so far its nice. i planted april 8th 07 easter sunday, and on the 3rd day it sprouted! I did 24 hour light for bout 2 months been on 12/12 since. buds are nice but the plant...
  3. SmokerSince1983

    Best way to get that last OOMPH out of your plants

    Hey all, just wondering how the bodine tomato blossom is working? i am growing my first plant and so far its nice. i planted april 8th 07 and did 24 hour light for bout 2 months been on 12/12 since. buds are nice but the plant is not as bushy as i'd like. i bought the bodine hoping it will help...