Search results

  1. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    Yeah, did that... Now I'm salvaging... Running pure water with flora shield now to see if I can clean em up or to see if it's going to come back. I'm keeping PPM at 500 to go easy on the girls. Maybe they'll make it, but I've got to take some clones to be prepared for the worse. Next go...
  2. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    Hey SirNasty... Hey man, your grow is lookin great! Sorry for not posting my Rainforest update pics, but I ran into a problem. I ended up getting root rot!!!! I know that you are using a similar setup with the lights (I'm at almost 592 with a Mix of T5 flouros and 400W HPS) so I wanted...
  3. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    Hey SirNasty... I'm on day 15 from clone, with some updated pics in a short bit. I've been doing some transition nutes and tonight will go to flowering. Pics to follow.
  4. LBCroll

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    For those of you that have bought into the Hallmark Holiday routine, or those of you that just believe in pure Karma, I'd suggest adding Roseman to your Christmas Blunt list. Either way, Rose is a guy that puts out some serious knowledge, and has taken a large amount of time and consideration...
  5. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    A'ight Sir Nasty, here's the pics... These NL's are all on day 3 from Clone. The back Left, Far Right and Front Left all each have 2 main that'll each produce it's own independent cola. The other three are normal. I'll FIM all of them today, hopefully getting an average of 4-5 cola producing...
  6. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    I'll throw some pics in tonight (night pics seem to come out better).
  7. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    The pump is contained within the unit's top dome. It's an interesting setup. I'll snap some pics and throw em in here to take a peek, with your permission, Sir Nasty. After that, I'll have to start my own grow journal when I get the cohones to post all the way through. Even though I'm a MMJ...
  8. LBCroll

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    SirNasty... I'm running almost the exact same setup, but with 496 Watts. Are you running your rainforest 24/7? If you want I'll snap some pics to show you how I have my airflow setup. (Not intending to hijack) Props on using the same rig.
  9. LBCroll

    Hash Oil & "earwax"

    Did it work?
  10. LBCroll

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Greeeeeeen!! I'm itching to get mine there... but patience is still on the mind.
  11. LBCroll

    New Grow Setup Input Wanted

    I guess that eventually, I'll be running around 400W+ anyway, so power consumption will roughly be about the same. If I run a 90W Fiber Optic SCROG, then penetration will not be as much of an issue either, so would t5's flower for me as well? I know HPS is better, but I'm not convinced...
  12. LBCroll

    New Grow Setup Input Wanted

    I Googled "fiber optic scrog" and only came back with results to my own post for the top listing... I guess that deserves a smoke in itself!bongsmilie No comments, suggestions, or opinions on the room/setup/ etc??? I've read through hundreds of threads, thousands of posts and even got...
  13. LBCroll

    Cheap Hidden Door Lock

    Since the inherited pops keeps coming over with and without his crew to inspect the handiwork... Why not just vape the pops - in - law a good primo bowl and let him know that you and your plants would like some breathing room... We call this the Pacino Nice Guy move in negotiations.
  14. LBCroll

    New Grow Setup Input Wanted

    My new grow room tent just got here! It's 2'7"D X 4'11" W x 6'7" Tall. Since I can have overheating issues in my grow area do you guys think that I should run a t5 setup? Right now, I have 12 seedlings germing at 4 days in a 7" humidome in a Rapid Rooter Mat (11 bagbeans, 1 Blue Satellite...
  15. LBCroll

    vegging - cfl/mh/hps___?

    Check out Sun System New Wave T5's... They have an 8 bulb 24W/bulb setup that has a MSRP of 200 USD. Also Check out HydroFarm... They have a number of 4 and 8 24W bulb setups that run between 115 and 215 USD. Either of those two might have retailers close to where you are.
  16. LBCroll

    vegging - cfl/mh/hps___?

    Have you checked into t5's? Much higher lumen output than CFL's and they run significantly cooler than HID lights.
  17. LBCroll

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Grow Roseman Grow!... You've had some awesome grows :peace:
  18. LBCroll

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    RPsmoke420... Here is a DWC system that you essentially daisy chain the buckets. Each plant is contained in a 5 gal bucket, so if you have the space and the right lights, you could grow some monsters. I'm not saying go out and...
  19. LBCroll

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Roseman, Nice stealth setup that you have going there, and two thumbs up (RIP Siskel) on the vegging production! In all of the hydro/aero threads that I've been searching through, it seems that most roads lead back to the Roseman. Allbeit that I'm a "stranger", I feel that I could speak for...
  20. LBCroll

    Rapid rooters in DWC/BUBBLER

    I popped 12 seeds in the rapid rooter plugs yesterday. today 4 have broken surface and have leaves producing. One is Blue Satellite X Killer Queen... a seed that was buried deep in some thick medicine that i picked up, so I'm guessing that it's female, with possible hermie tendencies. The...