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  1. gr3ysmok3

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Lol, thanks for your advice! Without the internet and friendly neighborhood electricians like yourself I never would have been able to save the world with the help of the green eyed bandit. ;-)
  2. gr3ysmok3

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I really do appreciate your help on this, I've alredy done so much research and so much is contradictory from forum to forum, it's so much easier to have a genius who knows what he's talking about to make it one step easier. So there is a 15 amp outlet near my closet, but I'm even more...
  3. gr3ysmok3

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    This is my virgin grow and I know next to nothing about circuitry. I'm growing in an apartment and have just got a 1000w lumatek ballast with a 1000w MH bulb and a seperate HPS bulb for flowering. I'm going to leave the MH bulb on for 24-hours for the Veg period (about 3 weeks) and have one...