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    Al B. FAQt

    Hey Al, Back to my issue with the root rot. Will the clones I cut from mums that may have root rot carry the pathogens forward when I grow the clones out? Is there a way to save mums that I may have overwatered? If I cut back on watering cycle and startt adding in the H202, will that...
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    Al B. FAQt

    and of course Al, there is the harvest that is worth mentioning, never mind the hash from the Hash Press. Peace all !
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    Al B. FAQt

    Al, Thanks for all of that. Makes sense, for sure. Had a fellow gardener here with me tonight as we were batting our heads against the wall with what was happening. You explained it very clearly. I was lacking the h202 component, and I know that had tons to do with the problem, plus the...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Hey Al, I've been following your threads for over a year and have had good results. I am showing a few shots of some buds I have. I just pulled a few plants that were at 10 weeks(due to strain) and I am not pleased with the root mass within the pots. My ebb and flow is being cycled 3 x a day...
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    Damn this heat!!!

    I had a similar situation where I thought bring air from the outside would be good. It wasn't. On a very hot day, the portable AC couldn't keep up. I was up to 95 as well. I cut out bringing the air from out in and just used the air within the room. I actually have a hallway between two...
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hey AlB...great post BTW. :hump: Quick question on the clone chamber. Do you have a door or cover on the front of the unit after the clones go into it? :joint:
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    New toy I made

    malachi: I just used it on a hydro gro. It seems to work as my buds did swell considerably. I had it on a timer with the lights so it only is turned on during lights on cycle. I have to modify my exhaust as I also had that running at the same time and hope that it did not suck out too much...
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    AlB, Quick question. When your clones are ready to go into flower, do you introduce them right into the flower room? Do you do it during a "lights off" cycle to allow them a little less trauma. I put a few clones (well rooted) into rockwool pots last night, during lights off, and this morning...
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Al B, Quick question. You mentioned way back that you flood your trays once per day. During a 12 hour cycle, when to you flood them? start, middle near the end ? How long do you run the flood cycle for? I have my first 3x3 (foot) tray with 24 plants in and the top few inches of each pot...
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    drip timing question?

    I have two Eurogrowers using the drip system. On my third grow and have had the best plants running the drip once (15 mins) every two hours. Never had any issues and plants seem to do very well. Accidentally once turned pump onto manual and forgot to switch back to auto for a day and it ran...
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Al B, Many thanks for the inspiration in this thread. It took me until my 3rd grow cycle to really grasp what you have written. I have successfully got the cloning down (I think), and just set 16 plants into the flower room to begin their 8 week oddessy. My first grown in an upstairs closet...