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  1. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    I dont think these pics went through on the last post.
  2. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    made 10 cuttings a while back... 1 survived and is thriving!... Plan to vet her for a few weeks then take more cuttings from her
  3. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    Hello Hello, So I'm roughly 2 weeks from harvest of my White Lightning girlies. I have to say they are pretty f'in gorgeous if I dont say so myself. Now keep in mind this was not most perfect Grow... It was my first attempt at super cropping, which worked out pretty good... A little too tall...
  4. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    Cool Cool... I'm at school at the moment, should be out soon. Will post pics tonight! :)
  5. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    Anyone interested in seeing picks? Just say so and I will post em. Ready for harvest in bout 2 weeks I would say.
  6. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    hey Steven, I will post some pics as soon as I have a chance. They are going strong. Ready for harvest in about 5 weeks the most. This is my first strain purchased from the internet and so far the plants are extremely resilient. almost 3 ft tall! I have had to modify my light system to...
  7. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    Ok... Disaster. 7 of the 9 plants ended up being male. How is that possible? I dont think they were that stressed. Anyway I took some clones, Ill post pictures if I can find some time.
  8. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Heyoo, heres the link to my newest grow thread.
  9. Dapps420

    2nd Ebb n Flow: 8 White Lightning 2 NYCD. Super Croping.

    Hello Hello, This is my second grow and would like to share it with the world. Im already about 3 weeks deep and these babies are lookin 10x better than my first grow. My frist grow found here: Was 8 or so...
  10. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    56 grams in dried and cured... Not too shabby for a first time Ebb N Flow. Not to mention they were bag seed. I started with what... 8 and ended with 2? daang. Well Im already 3 weeks into my new project so Ill keep yall updated.
  11. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Hey folks. Thanks for following my grow and I appreciate everyone's input. I apologize it took me so long to close it out but things have been crazy busy... and quite hazy as well :leaf: In any case... Here are some of the last pics from this grow. And I will be posting a link to my new...
  12. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Hey everyone! Im back!!! And I have a new grow to show off. Im also going to post the results from this previous bag seed grow that this thread contains. I hope your all still subscribed. Im going to start a new thread for this next one. Ill ya updated. Pictures in 30 min or so. Dapps.
  13. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    awwww yeah. Bout to harvest one of my ladies. I will post pictures soon! Thanks for everyone's help! Couldn't have done it without you. After christmas I will be planting the white lightning. :)
  14. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Hey Closet Grow... Everything is going fairly well. Im about 5 or 6 weeks into flowering and I just starting flushing with plain water and a little hydrogen peroxide... I'm hoping that its not to soon to start flushing as the fan leaves are starting to show some stress, not sure if its because...
  15. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Yoooo man... Its going pretty well. My two girls are doing alright, one is about 19" and the other is about 14". The 14" is getting a really large cola, but my 19" is burning on top and I cant raise my light and higher, sooo Im ganna let them go for another week or two then prob harvest. How...
  16. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Wow real nice man. Mine are starting to bud too, but they look more like your wonder woman, than your others. Those babys are bloomin like crazy huh? Im posting some pics I took tonight, it looks like my cola is not growing properly... not sure whats up, Im thinking my PPM is a little low its...
  17. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Hey Smokey... Im interested in seeing how your girls are doing... any new pics or videos? Get at me!
  18. Dapps420

    Severe damage... Any opinions?

    well after talking to SimpsonSampson I decided to just trash her... He said that most likely after the stress that it was put through it would hermi... that is IF it survived. Thanks everyone for your input!
  19. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Wowza, thanks for the info Sampson, your the man... It looks like I will be trashing the poor old girl :( Damn... I was going to try and take clones, but that means I have to go out and buy cloning formula, and set up a cloning station, where I think Ill just get rid of her, I dont want any...
  20. Dapps420

    Hey man, if you have some time, would you care to check out my latest post in my usual thread? I...

    Hey man, if you have some time, would you care to check out my latest post in my usual thread? I seem to be having some difficulty with one of my ladies :(. That blueberry shiz looks nice mang, keep up the good work, I wish I could get a taste of it.