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  1. constantlysideways

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    lol thanks man havnt drifted in a while since my 180sx has some serious engine problems :sad:
  2. constantlysideways

    Stealth PC grow case(w/ help of trunk5)

    wow very nice very nice hmmm may have to attempt to beat it :mrgreen: but mine arnt feminised so id be lucky to get to females:-? defs +rep :clap:
  3. constantlysideways

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    no i was saying that the ps3 is just terrible value compared to the 360 lol im agreeing with the 360 people
  4. constantlysideways

    Take 3: The Garage Files

    i think a 600w mh might be overkill just for flowering, but if youve got the money go for it, looks pretty sweet, are you exhasting air into the garage? but defs just have a mh for flowering
  5. constantlysideways

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    honestly though when it comes down to it 50 a year is not that much, blu-ray is really not that necissary, ive got a lcd 1080p tv and i see little difference ohh and i would have bought a ps3 but im not stupid enough to spend an extra 300 bucks on blue ray and irritating free psn i might...
  6. constantlysideways

    Healthcare reform-Do we really want the government screwing this up too?

    i always thought it was so overwhelming that a country that contributes the most to its pharmecuticals, can be so far behind like 20% of america's GDP is spent on health, and yet 40 million people are without basic care, regardless i think something needs to be done and it is apparent that a...
  7. constantlysideways

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    honestly the systems are really the same when it comes down to it, i couldnt really care less as long as ive got cod to play :-P i went the 360 cause it was cheaper and i personally think the controllers where better for me on fps, and online is irritating on ps3 imo
  8. constantlysideways

    Stealth PC grow case(w/ help of trunk5)

    beautiful grow gave me a goal for mine ;-) what was the dry weight?