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  1. B


    haha its ok man i was completely blazed. Hence me putting the rest in a shampoo bottle :confused:
  2. B


    drove all the way to the hydro store to buy a bottle of sensi grow today... and dropped it!!! spilled everywhere, i managed to save half the bottle and i poured the rest into an empty bottle of shampoo. I did my best to clean out all the shampoo but im afraid there was still some in there. Do...
  3. B

    Lurker's First Growbox. First Grow. First Post!

    thanks man. And yep, pvc ball valve birectly below the fill hole
  4. B

    Lurker's First Growbox. First Grow. First Post!

    i decided to do hydro. I know its really complicated and i don't really know why i chose to. But it just happened that way. Ambitious decision. Wish me luck. I've been reading up for a while on every aspect of growing. so heres what i have so far. LIGHTS: I plan on putting 4 26watt, 6500k...