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  1. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Ok just to show a comparison of how tall it is here its standing next to a 5lt water bottle
  2. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    It's very short about 2ft but very bushy. The stems on both strains are very thick and I'm very impressed with the rhizo pots, but when you water using these pots just take your time because if you water from top to fast the water leaks out the sides so make sure you stand the pots in something...
  3. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Ok here's a few pictures of my sweet tooth taken this morning
  4. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    I'll put a picture of the sweet tooth auto up tomorrow, its just the space is getting tight now so when I juggle them around tomorrow I'll be able to get a good shot of the sweet tooth
  5. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    ok here's a nice picture of my auto nl
  6. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    sorry been a little busy, ok the first 2 are northern light autos, there really flowering nice the next 2 are short bushy sweet tooth auto there about 2 weeks behind the northern light autos but are really starting to look nice now. this is the first time I've done the auto sweet tooth
  7. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Growroom is getting a bit tight now lol
  8. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Here are some recent picture, looks like a few weeks to go still
  9. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Very nice tekdc911 plants look nice and I see what you mean about the purple stems. Keep me updated mate, I'll keep posting a few pictures a couple of times a week A+ mate
  10. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    The northern lights auto pictures is the ones with the budding sites and the sweet tooth auto is the cabbage looking one. How they looking?
  11. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    here are some recent pictures
  12. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Thanks for the info tecdc911, mine is slow growing very little stretching, looks like a cabbage lol. I will post a few pictures tomorrow but there looking very well and no problems so far touch wood.
  13. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Thanks for replies, I have grown autos many times before but the sweet tooth just seems different. I will keep an update going here until harvest. Ok I am using a 400w air cooled power plant light with a Lumatek bulb with a 400w Lumatek super loom dimmable ballast, growing in a 90*90*180...
  14. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    At present they are on 18/6 and they are 5 weeks old
  15. R

    Auto Sweet Tooth & Auto Northern Lights

    Ok here I am growing an auto sweet tooth (pictured on left) and an auto nl, I can see a couple of hairs here and there on the auto sweet tooth and the auto nl looks fine to me. Now I have seen a few posts about the auto sweet tooth not going into flowering and I think this might be the problem...
  16. R

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Thanks for the reply, I have grown before easyryders and white dwarf no problems but this is just strange i thought about the 12/12 and i think i am going to try this now because like i say the few hairs that are showing have been like that for about a week and a bit but nothing else. got epsom...
  17. R

    Help please lowlife ak47 auto flowering

    Hi all, i have 2 auto lowlife ak47s 5weeks into grow, 1 has been budding for about 2 weeks fine 60cm tall bushy in 5ltr container, grown in all mix and only feeding with liquid fish mix (3ml per liter of water) once a week and now it is budding i use (2ml per liter of water) top max, but leaves...
  18. R

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hi all, i have 2 auto lowlife ak47s 5weeks into grow, 1 has been budding for about 2 weeks fine 60cm tall bushy in 5ltr container, grown in all mix and only feeding with liquid fish mix (3ml per liter of water) once a week and now it is budding i use (2ml per liter of water) top max, but leaves...