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  1. N

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    congrats on the thai harvest finally jerry! nice sticking around with u for the end of it. thank u do u know the dry weight yet?
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    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    hey jerry sorry i havent posted in a while. thanks for putting up those thai pics man rlly appreciate it. looks like those things are fat! i want to ask your opinion on the PPP i want to try Nirvanas PPP one day and even tho urs is from g13 labs im still wondering it looks great 4 u.
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    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    hey man hope all is going well. everything seems great by u... hows the thai going
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    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    great update garcia! thanks for all the great info and tips on the thai. mightve said but what seed bank is the PPP from? Nirvana?
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    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    thanks for the reply jerry. yea i understand this plant grows tall but i cant control it since im growing outdoors. what size is the container its in? EDIT: just cuz i know that its annoying when ppl just say theyre growing something and dont share their grow but want help heres a link to the...
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    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    wow nice grow man. i just started growing the thai. looks like ill be going on a long ride. haha keep the pics coming ive yet to find enough finished grows of this so im curious.
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    SMG's Guerrilla Outdoor '09

    hey submachinegun im growing my first sprout and soon planning on taking it outdoors. i was wondering how do u get your little seedlings to strong looking? their stems are thick and they are short i really need this since i will be growing a skiny sativa (thai super skunk)
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    Can you use Styrofoam Instead of Perlite?

    hey kinda short on cash and was wondering can i brake up a Styrofoam cup into small pieces and mix it in my soil instead of perlite?
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    Can I take a Sprout Outside?

    As a Matter of fact what I did was put the dying sprout by a window and whatever comes of that will come of it. And last night I germed a g13 labs. Thai super skunk and that one I can improve. Maybe I wasn't doing anything wrong it was a bagseed anyways the other one didn't even germinate
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    Can I take a Sprout Outside?

    true but i only assume its fine is because thats how i water all of my pepper plants with no problem. but thank u for letting me realize that i must check everything is weed more sensitive to ph?
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    need help with sprout

    hehe yea thats what i was thinking you have a pic of another seed thats the same as what u got right now? if so post it cuz that doesnt look anything like MJ
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    Can I take a Sprout Outside?

    no over watering doesnt seem like the problem for me. i am careful with watering. can it be that its not in an enclosed area? maybe too much of the light is getting away? right now its in a corner of my room
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    Can I take a Sprout Outside?

    ??? it doesnt seem to be harming the plant. and i heard it was ok for cfls to be 1-2 inches away from a bulb since cfls light penetration decreases dramatically
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    Can I take a Sprout Outside?

    no its basically all ok. i tried to make it as simple as can be. the temp is 73-78 light on 18/6 no ferts/nutes water when dry only there is a drainage hole for excess water i dont know my ph but it should be fine also. i dont have something to check it with tho... i leave water 24h outside so...
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    Can I take a Sprout Outside?

    hey ive had a sprout already for about a week and a half and its not doing so well under the limited watts that i can supply (her) with. (was 14w CFL just switched to a 20) its starting to lose color guys i was thinking can i just take it outside or can i put it by a windowsill?? PLEASE...
  16. N

    G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk Grow !!!!

    wow muscle bud very nice idea i wouldve never thought about it. i also have these 5 thai ss seeds on their way (currently in NY) i was wondering what i was getting myself into but it looks like if my place is secret enuf i should have some great bud in 14 weeks haha ;) pc and wish luck to all w/...