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  1. MutaS

    Mazar not flowering at 4wks

    i would pour gasoline all over it and set it ablaze. that's just me though.
  2. MutaS

    Ferris Wheel Grow[First hydroponic grow] TIPS?!

    If your gonna do it you might as well do it big, 2 600's and 100, watch out though those can be a bit tricky to use, Also make sure that the nutes are not dripping on the plants below as it will damage them. good luck and good growing 8)
  3. MutaS

    white paint or mylar

    You get use to the Mylar sound after awhile. To me now its like a ambient noise, such as waves... 8)
  4. MutaS

    Over water?

    Drop That pH down to between 5.5 and 6