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  1. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    And I also saved up for my now $2500 ( after upgrades of hardware ). I saved up for my shitty ass Geo Metro. I saved up to propose to my girlfriend who dumped me. I have saved up for things man, I'm not just a fiend out looking for a fucking weed fix, and its sad that you come and accuse me...
  2. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    I think you are a very funny person. I work at a gas station, I pay for my bud, I never do any sneaky shit, I like to live life to the fullest. I'm trying to do my best, I read a guy said if I could give it back I would. Hes right, if someone could prove to me that it was theirs, I would...
  3. H

    Welcome New Members!

    I'll await for the ban, I've done nothing wrong on the forums or in person =) Anyway, try to guilt me all you want. I'm going here in a few minutes, seeing as I just woke up, to get some CFLs and gonna fix up my closet, I have 300 dollars to spend so I should be fine. As for me killing the...
  4. H

    Welcome New Members!

    And thank you for the HOT SPOT information =)
  5. H

    Welcome New Members!

    Wow, I dont' remember you being there buddy, stop assuming you know the truth because you are making up stuff about someone on the net, and then sticking to your lies, thats called a pathological liar. Leave me alone dude, I didn't do anything wrong here ha!
  6. H

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, I found that I was posting in the WRONG thread. My name is Justen, and I have a 4' plant right now. Due to the recent claims of how I got it, I'll just say its in my house and in some poor conditions until tomorrow. I feel like an ass, but I found the plant near some trees and grass...
  7. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    Just so you know guys, I would love to thank Home_Grown for just being straight and to the point. Thank you, for not accusing me of being someone I'm not without even talking with me. I'm sorry you guys just started calling me a thief and being dicks. Enjoy life.
  8. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    In some other places of the world, this lovely plant is plucked because its in the way and ruining other vegetables. Its a weed, a very beautiful one indeed. Sabud, we got off on the wrong foot, I really didn't steal the plant, I was just trying to see if I could fix something that someone...
  9. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    I'm in the great NORTHWEST!! We are all forestry... The plants that grow here in the wild do get you high, and I don't really wanna turn everything into an argument. What kinda lights should I use, I'm tired of all theft shit, I found it, I didn't fucking steal it, it was half unrooted, and the...
  10. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    Well with that help, if I can grow a cacti, I can grow a weed. Was hoping that fellow stoners would help each other out, I'll keep searching around.
  11. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    If I had one I would, I'm sure the plant would have been destoryed in the clear cutting that was going on for road construction, so really I'm not doing anything bad here, if I did steal someones weed, they suck at growing because I've seen good weed on And they chose a bad spot, p...
  12. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    To tell you the truth its a weed, it can grow anywhere, I don't think I stole it from anyone, now with all the theft put to the side, can we please talk about where I can go from here, I stole the plant from mother earth, but its a weed. There are many more, I should have started from a seed...
  13. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    The roots alone looked like a deer had been sleeping on it, and there was only one plant, and it was next to an area the government was clearcutting. Sounds like excuses, but say that once in a while excuses are in all actuallity what they really are. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything...
  14. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    Well seeing as the forest area I found it in, and the condition, I'm just trying to revive it, it looks like shit, and I'm just trying to help, I wanna make this into a learning experience, if you would have seen it in the condition it was in, you probablly would have left it, and it will more...
  15. H

    New Plant and Questions.

    Hello, I just found a cannabis plant while walking though a forest here in green old Portland Oregon. I took it home and its looking nice, but I've never grown or really talked with a lot of growers, I just found this website and was wondering if anyone could help me out a bit. I have it...