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  1. kloak

    Detailed Instructions for Portable 6' x 8' Grow Tent

    'Baked' POTato (Version 2.0) Ever wanted a perfect grow room with ultimate reflectivity, perfect light insulation and areas for both flowering and vegging? How about something that's 100% portable, durable and will last? How big we talking? 6' tall and wide and 8' long, with a divider for...
  2. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    This is the outside of the setup. (Again) Here is a cropped top-down view of the grow area, And the planned lighting setup.
  3. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    oo where could I pick up a light meter that'd help a BUNCH
  4. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    thanks a bunch, I can't wait to begin taking step by step pictures of the construction of the new setup, I'm doing some diagrams of the inside now, and my planned lighting setup, As of now , I've got a 2/3's devoted to vegging , and the 1/3 area for flowering. I'm working on a Top down view of...
  5. kloak

    Reflection under the plants?

    I was wondering, I have mylar on the floor of my grow box, But would it be a good idea to make mylar skirts to put around the base of the plant covering the dirt , they'd be removeable for for watering of course, But I was wondering if that might help the under parts get more light, Or if it...
  6. kloak

    DIY Budget Closet Grow Box

    yeah, im the process of replacing my 3 bar lights with 16 CFL's which should help a great deal, if the price turns out to be over 200 .....i'll get a nice hid setup, im already planning on buying one within the next month or so for my flowering setup. the bar lights will be used on the sides...
  7. kloak

    Project Babylon Week 3 Journal *Detailed**Many Many Pics*

    I also read a disturbing post regarding height of plants and lighting, I may have to sadly grow using "Sea of green" simply because I don't want tall plants with only buds on the top, I was planning to flower at around 24 inches per plant, But unless I figure out some nice side lighting (which...
  8. kloak

    Project Babylon Week 3 Journal *Detailed**Many Many Pics*

    I've got no idea, but ideally i'd like to exclusively grow using those methods, i know soil does not produce as potent or as quickly as those methods, i was thinking simple NFT. But I have not researched it much, I like to be 100% sure somethings gonna work before I start, I'm kinda a...
  9. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    I've got those pics of my plants under the lights, It was kinda tough , luckily I've got a nice old 4.0mp Nikkon that has a neat swivel lens, it's pretty old, but had to be expensive in its time, It still uses COMPACT FLASH lol. Anyway here's my pics. Plants Illuminated full view 1 Side...
  10. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    The old setup? I've began moving parts into place for the new setup, But i suppose I could snap a few of the old one. here's what i'm planning.... The old grow tent makes up the right wall of the new grow "Cubicle" I'd use the whole room but it's easier to control the environment in a smaller...
  11. kloak

    Project Babylon Week 3 Journal *Detailed**Many Many Pics*

    Thanks! yeah I'm buying CFL's as soon as possible, I'm going to go with like 16 in sets of 4 , the best i can find, i'll keep the flourescents for side lighting or something, the more the better i guess. I'm in the process of trying to build a new grow room that will support 50 plants, and...
  12. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    I'll head on over, I've got a new design in the works that triples my space and gives me room for flowering, But in the mean-time wanna check out my week 3 grow journal? I've detailed the hell out of the thread...
  13. kloak

    Project Babylon Week 3 Journal *Detailed**Many Many Pics*

    Here is a diagram of my setup. Here is my Journal starting at week 3, Below is an overview of plant statistics taken. Ok, So now here are the best pics I could take of my ladies, Please forgive the amount...I was not sure how to properly take pics that would be useful...Enjoy Questions or...
  14. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    I've cleaned and neatened my workshop (the room housing my grow box, and hoard of computer case metal and components.) I'm also charging my digital I'll have pics of the actual rig, and of my ladies (Pics are part of my spreadsheet growing journal) cool profession for somebody with...
  15. kloak

    *Charts* Project Babylon (Digital Grow Journal)

    This Journal is being tracked using Google Documents, I specified how it works in this post 9/25 9/26
  16. kloak

    *Pics & Specs* "The Baked Potato" cheap vegging setup. Comments? Suggestions?

    No problem, It's not the ideal setup, But it's a good way to get started. The lights i'm using are not IDEAL but they do the trick, I'm going to add a bunch more CFL's when I get the money. I'm glad my design could help, It's a good way of turning a old shelf or cabinet into a grow area if you...
  17. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    Excellent to meet another fellow tinkerer, I am constantly on the lookout for junk to re-purpose, Thanks for the info on the bulbs, and the link, I'm reading up as much as I can, and double checking before I actually do anything. I figure if you're gonna do something, do it right. And thanks for...
  18. kloak

    Digital Grow Journal using Google Docs, Ideas? Suggestions?

    I've been using Google Documents for my grow journal, I have setup a spreadsheet and chart's for tracking various aspects of growth, health and changes. I'd like to hone my spreadsheet and release it as a public template anybody can use for their grow journals. I've also setup a private google...
  19. kloak

    "The Baked Potato" Homemade grow tent, Comments? Suggestions?

    I was thinking of making a custom hood with maybe a few lower cost HPS or Mercury Vapor incandescents, I figure I could rig up something cool for under 100 bucks. There's tons of 10-20 dollar bulbs out there that have the wattage needed, I think the hard part is finding a socket that can handle...
  20. kloak

    *Pics & Specs* "The Baked Potato" cheap vegging setup. Comments? Suggestions?

    Sorry for the apparent repost, I figure I'd clean up my previous post and add full specifications. The tent Is built from a 5x5 Metal frame with Mylar "Emergency" heating blankets lining the inside, and out. There is also no HID lighting in this setup, my goal was to try to be as cost-effective...