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  1. G

    Free Grow Software!

    Are the sensors from Vernier?
  2. G

    Free Grow Software!

    Cool... In case it helps, I figured out the crash was caused by: - create a new bulb, enter it's name - click on the Ballast tab, click new. - click back to the Bulb tab, and click Save Also, if you already have a ballast, and you create a new ballast, the "Bulb In Use" field does not clear...
  3. G

    Free Grow Software!

    Mostly small stuff, like tab order, but I also got a null pinter crash that I need to see if I can replicate, so I can give a decent description of what caused it... EventType : clr20r3 P1 : P2 : P3 : 4c961e46 P4 : P5 : P6 : 4c961e46...
  4. G

    Free Grow Software!

    Awesome software! Thanks for all your hard work! Where would you like bugs & suggestions from beta testing to be posted?