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  1. Nostradamus

    Helicopter Infrared

    they are looking for huge operations. If you have under 12 plants, you will be fine. THey are not wasting their time on personal growers. 2 lamps? you're fine. 20 lamps, you may get a knock or a pounding on the door.
  2. Nostradamus

    i got some weird black resin spots popping up??? anyone help

    could be caterpillar poop... it is on the tops of leaves.... i had a cat. problem and had these tiny black beads on the tops of some leaves. especially if you are outdoor in Cali. Cali has been hit hard by caterpillars this year.
  3. Nostradamus

    Chop now, or fight caterpillars?

    i would get the fan off those buds. that makes them dry to quick, hence the hay grass smell. yes i find worms as it's drying. i look in the closet at least every few hours or so. i only found 2-3 worms during drying of the unknown sativa and that is out of like 4-5 ounces i will get. The cats...
  4. Nostradamus

    Chop now, or fight caterpillars?

    i am drying the sativa plant now, chopped it 2 days ago. Still have the 5 wrecks that i want to let go till at least October 1. Cats have decreased but i still find them, always small which is good. The bigger they are the more they have eaten. I hit the plants one time with BT Thuricide,the...
  5. Nostradamus

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    my plan since i did not use BT early enough is to spend a little bit of time each day picking off the cats. You can see which buds they are in because the hairs in that are get prematurely red. I will do this for 2 more weeks and try to make it to October 1st. My goal was OCtober 20th but these...
  6. Nostradamus

    Chop now, or fight caterpillars?

    the sativa plant is about 6 weeks into flowering, is more mature and has less of a cat problem. It needs, maybe a week, i could harvest now. The 5 wreck plants are about a week behind and need at least 2 more weeks. Sativa plant has like 75% red hairs and the wreck plants only like 15%-30% red...
  7. Nostradamus

    Chop now, or fight caterpillars?

    I have 5 trainwrecks and 1 unknown chronic/sativa plant that sprouted from a seed that was 10 years old. They say the BT takes 2-3 days to take effect, so you should be seeing results now. I looked at your pic and i think you have been hit harder than myself. oh i am using Thuride.
  8. Nostradamus

    Chop now, or fight caterpillars?

    I started using BT on Monday night and i have noticed a decrease of cats. I cannot find any information on how much BT to use when putting it on.