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  1. O

    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    hmmm... it seems that the 3rd set of fan leaves growing in are curling inward, looking like a taco. Ive read that its heat stress but i have 4 26w 6500k cfls about 4" away and the temps never go above 75. They usually hang around 70. Any other reasons why the leaves would curl at the center...
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    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    thanks guys. I actually watered one more time and shes looking really healthy and starting to grow fast. Next watering ill feed her some diluted nutes. Thanks again
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    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    im using fox farm ocean forest, ive been reading to be careful with the nutes early with this soil.. is that true?
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    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    bump anyone ?
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    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    couple more pics
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    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    Ok the uploading function is working now
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    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    So this plant is about 3 weeks in. I just transplanted less than a week ago into this 1.5 gal pot. I wanted to see what more experienced growers thought esp. being that ive failed a few times before this grow lol. I feel like the fan leaves aren't growing as large as they should be. Am i...
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    New grower - stunting growth?

    ok thanks guys... ill give them a rest this week see if it helps
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    New grower - stunting growth?

    i dont believe so
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    New grower - stunting growth?

    Yes i used the paper towel method. I actually had 4 out of 10 but when i transferred the other 2 they never sprouted from the soil. I received them from a friend of mine. Yea im going to hold off on the nutes until i can try and resolve this mess. I have a box fan on them.
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    New grower - stunting growth?

    bump i read the curling of the leaves could be overwatering or too much heat. The temps were between 80-85 degrees so i dont think it was that bad...maybe the roots are too moist? not enough air?
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    New grower - stunting growth?

    Hey guys first time poster here. I've been reading the website for about 2 months or so and am currently on my second grow. The first grow didn't go so good being that i started it before i found RIU lol. I had lots of stretching and other problems. Anyways so i planted my sprouts 9 days ago...