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  1. S

    Best Grow Tent

    Cheers bloodshot good advice thanks Mdave Thanks for the link Thanks all for the advice i am going to look at all options and decide in the next couple of days will keep anyone interested posted on this thread Thanks all
  2. S

    Best Grow Tent

    Bloodshot What do you recommended i am a bit stuck have checked out a few options but i think the best bit of advice is from someone who has used the products.I will only be growing lowryder just for the fact that i am a keen smoker and want regular weed. Thanks
  3. S

    Best Grow Tent

    Cheers Tom I have had a quick look and are quite intrigued,will check out a few more and compare thanks.
  4. S

    Best Grow Tent

    Hello mate it seems we have the same problem i have been looking and found a couple of tents on ebay i have been looking at the dr60 which comes complete and looks like it is kitted out. It only cost £300 but i would like advice on it like you.I will keep you posted