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  1. BrockSampson

    Help what is this? ? Pics!!

    thanks man, ive just added some foodgrade hydrogen peroxide and sterilized the buckets and tubes and res, i;ll look into serenade for my next batch of plants, would it be safe to add to my next res fill up? what can i expect from this point on in.
  2. BrockSampson

    Help what is this? ? Pics!!

    hey theyre under 600 watt mh lights, air cooled, temp at 76.6 humidity at 60% being fed calmag and botanicare pure blend pro grow at 600ppm, ph in the bucket is 6.1 whats causing this please
  3. BrockSampson

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    chewy you leave me speechless, you really think that because people pay to get a doctors rec (which is really so very hard to get in cali) that the system isnt being abused? and before i leave this thread i was just wondering chew, have you ever or are you now working for dennis peron? if...
  4. BrockSampson

    Can caregiver standard be explained to me ?

    so heres my understanding everyone thinks a caregiver card means you can grow the persons medicine for them, kick them down whatever you agree on and then sell the rest of the medicine. WRONG in order to be a caregiver you have to be assuming responsibility for the majority of the patients day...
  5. BrockSampson

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    its not legal already, its still a federally controlled substance due to a bunk propaganda war from almost one hundred years back, sure prop 215 was a good start, and enabled truly sick people access to a medicine they would have been otherwise denied, but now all over the state there are...
  6. BrockSampson

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    even in tobacco and drinking today there is still the connoisseur, compare someone who drinks wine out of a box to the person paying 600 for a bottle of scotch and see what side of the fence you want to stand on :)
  7. BrockSampson

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    ive heard about a number of compassion programs, one that springs to mind is Harborsides programs like the low income freebies (show up with a paystub or disability check and they put you up for a random 8th a week) they also do a program where if you go in and write letters to your local...
  8. BrockSampson

    Genetic Engenering

    get a job with Monsanto...
  9. BrockSampson

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    so on the ballot for november is the newly renamed TAX AND CONTROL act. (used to be called tax and regulate.) once it passes it will be legal for anyone OVER THE AGE OF 21 to have an ounce on their person at all times in public. MAKING IT LEGAL WITHOUT TOUCHING OR AFFECTING PROP 215 or its...
  10. BrockSampson

    whats this stuff

    it does scratch away, looks like small crystals, doesnt smell like pm though, it goes about 4-5 inches from base up. and not forming anywhere else on the plant.
  11. BrockSampson

    whats this stuff

    hello everyone first grow, working a waterfarm kit with a purple strain, and have some growth on the main stalk base trying to figure out what it is, and how to deal with it. ph is about 6.2 ppm is at 500 temp is at 76.2 humidity is at 49.0 <a...