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  1. SloMo

    how to uncompress it..

    chainsaw and brush-chipper maybe?
  2. SloMo

    1st time hydro... Need help

    how long in veg? if they've got three or four good sets of nodes you should be good to go at 100 percent. just dont go owover it. if you have good ventilation, your homemade Co2 might be worthless. (but if you've got good air exchange you dont even need it.) dont veg under your hps, its a huge...
  3. SloMo

    1st time hydro... Need help

    sounds like you planned pretty well, but no guess on yeilds, post some pics mid flower though!
  4. SloMo

    Security question: how safe is it on this sight??

    kinda curious myself. i dont post pics or anything yet. do you fellow RIU'ers have many friends that disapear from the site in the middle of a grow?
  5. SloMo

    First grow harvested! Pics...

    nice grow. any plans on improving your growspace, and goin balls out next round?
  6. SloMo

    best room

    if i was working with that space, and someone elses cash flow, i'd go for the 3 4x4's with 1Kw each. start each table 3 weeks apart.
  7. SloMo

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    BWAAHAHAHAHA! tags "fork method"
  8. SloMo

    lady gaga

    my $0.02. do you ever buy bagweed? bagweed buds with seeds, and pollen sacks can carry viable pollen. twist a doob, then go touch your gals... boom, pollen transfer, than a couple seeds. if you've inspected your plants, and see no hermi triats... pollen sacks... and only have a few seeds coming...
  9. SloMo

    how am i f'n up????

    LOLZ dial Whine one one for the whambulance. how bout a whaburger and some french cries. or a whinekin . lmfao JOE DIRT RULES!bongsmilie
  10. SloMo

    The Big Budz (Aurora Indica & Urban poison) Journal

    all i can say is, dont name a plant "Fred" if your expecting buds.... i sure wouldn't name my daughter "Larry" ;p
  11. SloMo

    how am i f'n up????

    maybe hydro isn't for you. stick to dirt.
  12. SloMo

    Need to Cut Down Cheese, 7 1/2 weeks flower????

    not to mention, you need to flush for at least 3 days!
  13. SloMo

    Need to Cut Down Cheese, 7 1/2 weeks flower????

    any way you can cut it at the last minute? and let it dry somewhere else? you've still got more swell to come to those buds, but they look great!
  14. SloMo

    Ima Noob and dont really no what i am doing

    my first grow i did some shopping @ the dollar tree, bought a few windshield screens to keep the sun out of your car about 2ft by 4 ft or so, made of mylar, and worked great. try to find a hps conversion bulb for your ballast, and use about two thirds of your closet for flowering.
  15. SloMo

    How much do YOU pay for an 1/8??? And where do you live???

    a Henry, lol. round here all you kind buy is regs. last time i bought anything it was 25 an eigth, 40 quarter, can usually find oz's for a buck twenty.
  16. SloMo

    Too High?

    I been "too high" before. i once made a half Oz of alaskan thunderfuck trim into roughly 5 fl ounces or ticture, took three droppers full and gravity was tryin to pull my mindwaves down past my shoulderblades.... i suggest you try it.
  17. SloMo

    S.O.G life

    Yo jonboy... ya know ya got a bug crawlin around ya? it almost broke my screen.
  18. SloMo

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    try misting the leaves with distilled water from a spray bottle once a day. this will increase the humidity around her.
  19. SloMo

    how long til finish....and piss test question lol

    so... Able... if your too high to read it all, start eatin lots of cow meat, drinkin lots of water, and figure outhow many B viatimins it takes to make your piss " the right color yellow" que?
  20. SloMo

    how long til finish....and piss test question lol

    BIG UPPS to my man widow0maker!!!.. LOL. i was completley expecting to read 500 posts from people saying "take a bunch of niacen, or Golden seal! that gets you clean!" quite nice to hear from somone educated on the subject. i believe we are both on the same page, though we may differ in our...