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  1. J

    Omg!!!! Grow software!! Must see!

    really cool find, thanks for posting this--gonna give this a look!
  2. J

    Venting more hurricane shutters

    So I thought I was clever and was venting straight outside then closing the hurricane shutters. Apparently I can't keep the shutters up unless there happens to be a hurricane. My question, how can I continue to vent outside without it being terribly conspicuous? The exhaust vent is 10" and if...
  3. J

    Size of clones!

    I admit, I let my plants get way too tall. I vegged them for a long time with the intention to take clippings. Problem is, they've outgrown the 8" ceiling and the light is going to start burning them. Couple quick questions: Can I cut the top of the plant at say, 16" and throw that into some...
  4. J

    Light off for 12 Hours during Veg....solution?

    Hey thanks, appreciate it. Should I continue the light schedule as it was and turn it off at midnight or leave it on for an extra 12 hours or anything?
  5. J

    Light off for 12 Hours during Veg....solution?

    I'm pretty sure my timer can't handle the amps that my 600 Watt MH fixture is drawing (even though it says it should) and last night after the light turned off at midnight it didn't come at 6am like it was supposed to, I noticed today at 12:30pm so it was in the dark for 12 this going...
  6. J

    How are my seedlings doing?

    Hi Guys. Perhaps I'm over-worrying but there is one seedling in particular that I'm worried about, she's growing a bit slantways and can't seem to get upright. I've tried to sort of prop it up but it doesn't seem to be working. I was just curious how they're doing in comparison to other...
  7. J

    Newbie Hydro Q's, Nutrient Schedule, Transplant, Watering etc

    Thanks a lot for the reply, that was very helpful! As far as the carpet goes, I can't really remove it at this stage of the game so getting it covered is probably the best option. As the carpet is white, should I just use like a drop-cloth type thing or should I spring for the...
  8. J

    Newbie Hydro Q's, Nutrient Schedule, Transplant, Watering etc

    Hey guys, First time grower (hydroponics), had a couple questions for the community if anyone more experienced than myself can answer. Quick synopsis- I just germinated my seeds and transplanted them into 1" rockwool cubes. probably 4/10 have started to sprout. I've been reading over the...