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  1. P

    Look How Much It's Grown!!! :D

    I'm feeding it Charlie Carp every now and then, probably a bit less than once a week. It's only been transplanted the once about 2 months ago its just been very slow to get going but after its first few shots of nutes I can notice a change in it every morning.
  2. P

    Look How Much It's Grown!!! :D

    Very Very sickly Getting Better..... Bottom pics are of it Today! I know it's still pretty small but I didn't think it'd survive at all lol
  3. P

    Another yellow plant :(

    So it's been3 days since the last pics, the yellow leaves dropped off but now the next layer is turning yellow. I used charlie carp on it 3 days ago and im watering it when its dry. I've been using normal hose water not even thinking about it ill let the water sit for a few days before I use it...
  4. P

    Another yellow plant :(

    Hey my plant is slowly turning yellow. It's outside in soil was doing really well untill a couple of days ago, and it just started yellowing. I'm watering it once a day in late afternoon because its so warm here during the day. Any ideas?
  5. P

    Newbie First time grower

    I think theres another couple of leaves growing
  6. P

    Newbie First time grower

    Now the sedling is 3 weks 4 days old i think the leaves are a bit bigger and its bending toward the light
  7. P

    Newbie First time grower

    OK so I changed it around again....... No idea what the globe is and how long I should be having the lighting on for....
  8. P

    Newbie First time grower

    Sorry moved the pics here are the older ones And the one i took today
  9. P

    Newbie First time grower

    So its been a couple of days since those pics, the FKN DOG ate the other seeddlings so I've only got the one in the big pot now GRR!! I left it in the sun havent watered it at all the soil still looks fairly moist but I dont think its grown much at all! It looks healthy enough but yer is that...
  10. P

    Newbie First time grower

    Hey I'm growing outside au natural watering every day, im in australia its early spring here so its warm and breezy so hopefuly they should do ok.... Theyre a bit skinny so I moved them where theyll get a bit more breeze see what happens hehe I have no idea what seeds they are just got them from...