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  1. G

    Alcohol Tincture

    well, i gave my tinc another go after evaporating half the liquid. i tried taking a few drops but nothing was going for me, so i took a leap and swallowed a small capfull. got really buzzed and couldn't sleep! it feels like a superior alternative to smoking since it lasts so much longer. saving...
  2. G

    Alcohol Tincture

    ok did the hot method but i messed with the concentration a little bit. i used a gram instead of an 8th and i may have used a bit more alcohol than was necessary. i tried several sprays sublingually and got a little high. it was very subtle and made me a little giddy so i probably needed more. i...
  3. G

    Alcohol Tincture

    Hey guys, i'm a newie here. thanks for starting this thread, Hobbes, i really want to make tincture 2 weeks out from exams, now :P. I've got a couple of questions, though. I plan to do a hot extraction, but i don't have a coffee grinder. what can i use to achieve similar results? would there...
  4. G

    How the fuck do I clean a pipe

    Hi guys, new here. I've got a dirty pipe as well and i was thinking about the rubbing alcohol and salt. Is the salt necessary? can i just use the alcohol? I sorta wanna let the alcohol evaporate and keep the resin :P. Thanks.