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    Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

    Top 44 eh? I'm (attempting) my grow of it right now. Still a seedling but how is the strain? Never smoked it but had the seeds. I'm going to start a journal soon so I can get some help with my follies but was just wondering on how the high was. Great thread by the way guys.
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    First Grow: Snow white & LSD: Questions and journal

    He mustve killed em with all those Nutes so early.
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    Cave And Shiva Skunk RockWool

    Total noob here but I've read that the leaf curling is usually due to over feeding. Others say a flush and some cal-mag helps. Just my two cents and take it with a grain of salt. But they look great other than that I think.
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    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    Hey guys...been reading the thread and was wondering what nute schedule you're currently using on your setup. I have a similar one with sprouts on day 3. I know to wait til the second or so set of leaves before feeding but with your success I was just wondering. Thanks for an advice.