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  1. R

    Hairs turning brown, but bud/flower doesn't look fully developed????

    wow i would just throw that thing out. why waste any effort?
  2. R

    rumors we heard before we started growing

    another one, that you need a rooting hormone to get cuttings to root. not true straight water works
  3. R

    rumors we heard before we started growing

    i guess its people that grow indoor that come up with that kind of crap. Ever notice that when it rains outside, it rains on your whole plant, not just the ground.:roll:
  4. R

    my raised beds,new pics,painted

    looks awesome. sorry for my ignorance but whats the purpose of the copper wire??
  5. R

    Water Retention Problem

    ok so i figured i was gonna have to rip everything out. theres 3 plants in full flower all in this tiny space. its gonna be a pain to somehow transfer them to anything as its an odd shaped space they are in. i had a garbage bag as a liner on the walls of the box but i think the roots popped...
  6. R

    Water Retention Problem

    sunshine mix #4 in a 1.5 square foot space about 20 inches deep of soil plywood box with no drainage on the bottom and water is going straight through the dirt to bottom and causing wetness in the wood and white mold. i cant do much as far as adding a drip tray due to space restrictions and...