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  1. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Californians Are The Dumbest People In The World!!!!!!!

    Thanks schwa! I was really disappointed in the outcome of prop 19 in California. We are trying to get a ballot measure here in Florida for 2012 on Medical MJ. PUFMM is working hard to get signatures here, and I believe California voters could have done a lot to help educate and destroy some of...
  2. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Californians Are The Dumbest People In The World!!!!!!!

    Liberals voted to elect the same liberals that have been screwing them for years. Then they go and vote NO on 19. Hahahahahaha too funny!!!! Then they voted to pay a green house tax that they could have suspended until unemployment dropped to 5%. Hahahahahah!!!! again too funny! The rest of the...
  3. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Illinois DUI Examination

    DUI laws are nothing about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. States love to get in your pocket and collect good old greenbacks right out of your pocket. Thats what the whole thing is about PERIOD. Get caught for one and you will soon see what it is all about. They will fine you to death.
  4. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Illinois DUI Examination

    DUI Laws are the biggest bunch of bullshit in the world. The whole thing is run by a bunch of BITCHES and is about nothing but money. MADD can kiss my ass, the laws are so unconstitutional it is not funny. To be charged when you havent committed a crime goes against our whole justice system. To...
  5. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Best Food When High

    Sliced tomatoes with cottage cheese sprinkled with Tony Chacheres seasoning and grape kool-aid
  6. HowYouLikeDemApples

    The 5 word story

    babybatter, and shot it across
  7. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Placing my order

    Thanks for the review on the seedsman ww bricktop. Sounds worthwhile to grow if it is easy as you say as this will be my first.
  8. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Placing my order

    Hey all, getting ready to move soon and getting ready to order some beans to start in the new place. Lookin at attitude to place my order just have some questions on some of the breeders. Seedsman WW fem x 3, Nirvana AK48 regular x10, Nirvana Papaya regular x10, Nirvana White Rhino regular...
  9. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Hell ya bongsmilieBUMPbongsmilie
  10. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Moving west!!!!! Wish me luck

    I am so excited. Can't wait to get there. I have a woody!!!! hahahahaha. Gonna hit a fat blunt rolled in grape and hiy it for ya!!!!!!!!:joint:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:joint:
  11. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Moving west!!!!! Wish me luck

    Hey all!!!!! Well i am moving west (Thank God). Got a place and a job and am looking forward to getting the F$%K out of here. Can't wait to live amongst those that don't view something GOD!!!!!! left here for all of us!!!!!! as an evil substance. I will be starting a grow journal once I get...
  12. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    im ordering them hope their good. Better than none. Just pray I get a lady
  13. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    Thanks Kaleo, ya I should have known. Im starting from scratch and basically have done some reading and all. Just trying to get started.
  14. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    I already explained I was sorry for the first stupid post My Bad I understand. But that does not make me a pig. Like I said im just a little ignorant about the whole process and admit that I am a newb. Havent smoked much since I was in College (1991) so kinda getting back into touch with...
  15. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    Thanks Johnny! I saw that attitude takes money orders also. And I read some posts that people had good luck with them. Easy to get stiffed sending a MO almost like sending cash I guess. Matbe just place a small order and see what happens. Any strain recommendations?
  16. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    You figured it out dude! Wow your a genius!!! You should sign up for the academy and become a detective, hahaha. Whatever you are smoking is making you paranoid id find some new shit if I were you. Someone looking to grow their own and not deal with dealers must be a NARC huh? Good judge of...
  17. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    With attitude do you think a money order would be a good way for stealth on my end. Also what strain do you think is the best to start with. Last thing I smoked was some Mexi brick, got high but dont want to overdue it. Something good but not an ass kicker. I get migranes sometimes and have...
  18. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    I have been out of it for a while (18 years). Always had a job with testing, but now I am free (got layed off) but found a new job. So want to remember the good old days. What is the best place to order from? With the most stealth and least risk?
  19. HowYouLikeDemApples

    Anyone Have Some Seeds Willing To Part With?

    Deleted the first question because I was stupid. Thanks for all the help all.
  20. HowYouLikeDemApples

    New guy here!

    Thanks all for the warm welcome.