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  1. P

    Leaves are curling

    Yeah I think I might try the shade thing. It has been really really hot here lately with a heat index of over 100 deg. Would it hurt the plant if I brought it inside for a couple of days to ride out this heat wave, even though I do not have grow lights? It might not get very much light...
  2. P

    Leaves are curling

    The weird thing about it is that I have one other plant that has had the same exact conditions, and it is perfectly okay! The curling leaves on the damaged one are really really dry and brittle. Is that indicative of over watering?
  3. P

    Leaves are curling

    My plant is 3-4 months old. I am a first time grower and do not do anything to it. I am growing it outdoors in the southeast with no fertilizers or anything. Giving it water when it needs it. About a week or two ago it started to curl its leaves, and thought it was because we had a couple of...