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  1. Mr. Burns

    4x 400w Vertical Scrog Med grow!!

    Well I broke up with my girlfriend so im no longer contained to a closet. Now I get half a bedroom. consider this SCRAPPED
  2. Mr. Burns

    Yellow Top leaves.. Help Please!!

    How are your temps? If they are over 80 try to get em lower. Good advice by Dawnseal so do what he said if your temps are fine then if your ph is fine go get a cheap bottle of micro nutrients. Looks about like the iron def I got before but Like Dawnseal said could be ph causing it so check that...
  3. Mr. Burns

    4x 400w Vertical Scrog Med grow!!

    Well now that somebody is interested... I have had some changes in my plans recently due to Alaska fertilizer...grrr... This stuff is garbage, every time I have used it there have been near deaths and a talk with the hydro store guys confirmed that its not my fault. Apparently a lot of people...
  4. Mr. Burns

    4x 400w Vertical Scrog Med grow!!

    hmm guess I wont bother...
  5. Mr. Burns

    how many btus of cooling for 4 600 hps?

    1 kW is 3413 BTUs so 1 watt needs 3.413 ....600x4=2400 x 3.413= 8191.2 BTU's. That is assuming the ballast and bulb are in the room. So that is your MAX number of BTU's you should need. Try to figure out what proportion of heat is generated by your ballast and take that from 8191.2...
  6. Mr. Burns

    MEDI BUD.....(

    Ive ordered thru them 4 times now and always get my stuff in under a week. Strange since they are half way around the world from me. The seeds u pay for are great but sometimes the free ones are ...well they are free. :)
  7. Mr. Burns

    4x 400w Vertical Scrog Med grow!!

    I decided to use all available resources this grow and here's what Ive got so far. I have a lot of 400 watt lights laying around, mostly MH and one HPS. Im shoving the hps and 3 mh together in a 3x3x4 ish closet, all remote ballast. At this point you are probably thinking Im insane but hold on I...
  8. Mr. Burns

    yield (pics included)

    For anybody finding this old thread, I got the ladies back to good health then they almost doubled and gave me about 1.5(together). I tied the tops down to keep the rest close to the cfls. Harvested the top layer then let the mid/bottom buds get bigger and mature. Top buds finished 2 weeks...
  9. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    I took these pics tonight. So the heat problem has been reduced and I spaced the lights differently to make the coverage better and also eliminated the need for some others since I remembered that lumens dont stack. The chopped plant is kinda stunted like I figured. Im not sure if the lower...
  10. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    So im a couple days behind on posting again and on day 21 I chopped the fan leaves on the smaller plant so that the tops of the lower shoots could catch up with the upper ones which are stunted, and also let light in. Just an experiment. I figure if all the tips can be 1" away from the lights...
  11. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    The flushing was for the nute burn that was sneaking up again. I noticed some recovery after about 45 minutes and almost fully recovered this morning before dark cycle. I waited til she really needed water because my soil has poor drainage so i didnt want to stress her by overwatering. Will...
  12. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    had some issues with fans and so temps went crazy and fried my babies:sad: Also, yellowing got worse so I am currently flushing the larger one. Hope that helps her. Rewired the fans and got em all working right again so hopefully they recover soon. The smaller one now has a flattened side. Once...
  13. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    Yeah the temps are usually up there quite a bit like around 80-85, but 65ish on dark cycle. I try my best to keep under 85. The other day I messed with some stuff and it hit 105 for a whole cycle and scorched my babies a little on the side of the hot bulb... had some crispy leaves. oops. I try...
  14. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    Nobody has any thoughts? Tonight or tomorrow I should be putting up some current pictures now that the journal is up to date. hopefully somebody will comment...
  15. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    Noticing rapid growth now, had to lower them a notch and they are pushing flat on the left and right to the walls. Im considering pruning a crap load to get the squished branches out of the way and let some light in?? good idea or no?? Im thinking they wouldnt produce anyway and would just...
  16. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    Both have shown now. Starting to notice more rapid growth. Wondering how these 2 are going to fit in this box. I was expecting a male.... going to get very crowded.
  17. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    The big girl showed on this day.
  18. Mr. Burns

    CFL grow. Small space, many lights.

    So I will begin my journal on day 2 of flowering. Ive been meaning to post a journal for some time but I've just been too busy. I am quite a bit behind so i will spam the first couple of weeks :). Feel free to comment on whatever you want just put what day you are talking about. Any help...
  19. Mr. Burns

    CFL question

    12 or so should give you a good grow but you would want to have some 42's or 55's for flowering maybe like 8-10 instead of the smaller bulbs. The higher lumens with the bigger bulbs will give you higher penetration into the foliage. 28ers dont reach very far into the plant. Remember: lumens...
  20. Mr. Burns

    purple, dark green, orange, brown leaves?!? PIC

    More pictures might help. Here are a couple of both plants (exact dirt/watering/etc) they have the same problem. In one of the pictures a branch is regrowing from a try at fimming so dont worry about that one. If you can point out any problems that would be great since every single leaf on...