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  1. torontobudlover

    Theoretical Questions

    thanks for the quick replies guys, all good info. convincing the misses mighz``t not be as hard as i expected. The guy we grab off is a work friend of hers, and i casually mentioned it like 5 mins ago, because she and her friend are in a bit of a tiff. I know she has no moral quams with...
  2. torontobudlover

    Theoretical Questions

    Hi guys love this forum, im what you would call a pseudo grower, or armchair grower. Im basically a stoner that had to satisfy his intellectual curiosity about how to grow. I found out that growing is a hobby i might enjoy. However i have a few reservations and questions. Im on a very low...
  3. torontobudlover

    How'd We Get Here?

    Heres the deal, this is what i know, i learned this while sober, at school, and it blows my mind even more when im stoned. I don't want to start a creationist vs evolutionist debate. but heres MY OPINION BASED ON FACTS IVE LEARNED!:peace: (im a history, and anthropology major in university, and...
  4. torontobudlover

    Best Sites When Stoned

    Dunno if this thread has been started before, feel free to get rid of it if it has. But when im high i like to surf. Oddly enough i like to learn stuff, learning cool things about science and history and stuff totally blows my mind when my mind is totally blown. example: Fuck - Wikipedia...
  5. torontobudlover

    Mr. P's Final Dry Weight Off That Monster

    Holy trolley tracks batman.
  6. torontobudlover

    Mr. P's Final Dry Weight Off That Monster

    PLease tell me that guy thats getting smoked in your avatar is a Brampton Battalion. Ps. Can i grab off you?
  7. torontobudlover

    Free Grow Videos

    Does anyone know where i can get one of those drip manifolds he uses in the veg room?? It first appears at 16:40. Possibly at a canadian retailer? Cheers, pass it to the left.