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  1. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    When Stinkbud says 2000 PPM is he using the microSiemens or the 442 or the NaCl scale?
  2. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    My tap water is well water at 300 ppm and is treated w/chlorine only. I spoke to my water guy and he said mostly what is in there is magnesium and calcium. I was considering doing one of 2 things 1) cutting the amount of Cal/Mag I put into my Nute mixes. 2) Buying Deionized water and using a...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Shortbus/MeJuana/Stinkbud Thanks so much helping me by answering questions. The only thing I can think of sharing with all you all is that I use a turkey baster and Beer sampler glasses for taking my PPM and PH readings. Peace
  4. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hello all I've been using the basic Stinkbud system (1 clone, 1 veg, 3 flower) for almost a year now with good results. I'm new to growing so I'm really happy w/good results but am looking forward to better ones. I've had a few nagging issues I need help resolving and a few questions I'm...
  5. B

    Please check my grow room plans and let me know what you think

    Too Big huh?....... I was just thinking with the 2 elbows in the line and the length of the duct approx 25 foot that I might need it to be that big.
  6. B

    Please check my grow room plans and let me know what you think

    First of all thanks for taking the time to help me. Second I drew these plans with a childs software drawing package. If it looks a little childish.... it is. My thoughts were. 1. it would be nice to vent the heat from the light into the know for heat. Brrr cold where I...
  7. B

    Question on fan strength pulling through carbon scrubber

    I have the same question