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    Drying And Curing Question.

    Just read the part about drying temps. Darn, I guess the garden shed and garage are out, too hot. Spare bedroom maybe under the ceiling fan. Great info here, by-the-way. Thanks.
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    Why Legalize when the Law is already on our side?! IMPORTANT INFO, PLEASE READ

    Bravo! Someone who has the brains to out-think the so called uniforms that are there only to protect. We do need to work at getting MJ legalized. I think the pharmaceutical companies are partly to blame for the lack of legalization. The War-on-Drugs has many believing that MJ is a stepping stone...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Does this site try to get legalization in the U.S.? Are there groups here that are affiliated with ? We need to stop being held hostage by the pharmaceutical companies!
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    My First grow! CFL, Moby Dick Feminized, Closet Grow.

    I think in an earlier post you said something about water still at the bottom. Don't let her sit in water.
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    Best outdoor grow location?/climate?

    Florida, but it is not legal here. Soil would need amending because it is mostly sand. What is the ideal temp anyway?
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    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    That is awesome! I love it...
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    Attn florida!!!! Here comes med marj help make it happen!!!!!

    Wow, what happened to this thread? Isn't there something that can be done to "get this done"?
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    Florida Outdoor 2009

    Hi everyone...I am new to this site...just found it today...I am in south-east florida and want to grow 93 high and 82 low to hot to start outdoors? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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    Learn with me: The blind leading the blind

    Mr. Ganja, love your green anole in your plant...
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    Learn with me: The blind leading the blind

    I am new to this site...just by luck I found it when looking for info on Organicide...I wonder if it is too hot to grow outside here in this climate... 93 degrees daytime, low 80s at night...Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    Very cool! I thought my 6 month old seed wouldn't I know I will give it a try. Thanks for the info.
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    Welcome New Members!

    I only have one lonely seed and it is pretty old...will it sprout?
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    driftwoods '09 swamp grow

    Driftwoodg, I think I have lurked enough. I am with you. I would much rather smoke than take all the pills, percoset, crap my doctor gave me for my bad hip...Are any of you in the USA? I am always nervous posting here.
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    Welcome New Members!

    Is the information on this site for real? Legal MJ? Passes a drug test? How does that work?