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  1. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Here's a collection of the photos from last week. I figure this is a good sampling.
  2. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    It seems I didn't take any pictures of Babe or Burnice this week! @__@ Well, not nice profile shots at least :/ Stupid finals ruining my journal. Anyway, onto Jazzy and Sky. These girls went to 12/12 on 12/12/09 :bigjoint:
  3. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Ok, now, onto the first set of clones to be taken from jazzy and sky. Sky #1 is the biggest one, but when I water her, all the water runs right out the base as if she hasn't used any from the last week. This has happened every waters :/ I wonder if she's alive lol
  4. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Well, finals are finally over ;D I can now get back to what's important :weed: I'll skip a bunch of stuff and move onto dec 17 and then perhaps back to last week for some pics of the clones Up first, the adoptees... Purple Kush #1 and Purple Kush #2 and Lemon Cake. There's something funny...
  5. S

    Over fert or lights?

    Thanks! I went out and bought some calibrators again and the meter was off! I would have never thought of this otherwise. THANKS! I don't know why I can't +rep you :/ But you deserve it.
  6. S

    Clones from flowering

    Hey all, My plants are 5 days into 12/12, but I needs some more clones. If I take clones from them will either of the following happen: 1. Flowering plants will be delayed as to when they'll start flowering. 2. Clones will take really long to root. I figure 5 days in might not be enough...
  7. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Just switched to 18/6 today. I'll hopefully get to put my WW into flower this weekend at 12/12 :mrgreen: I also gave my clones a hair cut :twisted: Will post soon how they're doin.
  8. S

    Bent clones?

    Are these clones looking bad??
  9. S

    Over fert or lights?

    Is 6.4 - 6.8 high? I thought the sweet spot for soil was about 6.5, but I could be mistaken. Anyone have a better idea about this? My plant is just about to begin flowering (about 9 weeks old). I'm waiting to see if the clones take or not.
  10. S

    Over fert or lights?

    I usually check my pH before and after so I can see how much the nutes really affect the pH. I balance the final solution to 6.4-6.8. I will buy more of the calibration packs to make sure my meter is not off. That would be terrible! Thanks for the reply ;D
  11. S

    Topping Mistake

    Sorry for the blurry pic, but it's the best I could do. Where there's that X looking thing at the base of the Y is the new growth. It's growing out from where the pistols are , but perpendicular to the current growth ;D igrowdro, is this what you were talking about?
  12. S

    Over fert or lights?

    Hey all, Just moved this plant from a 430 Son Agro to a 600W HiLUX bulb. The humidity also dropped < 10%. I was wondering if my leaves are spotted from over fert or new lighting + humidity. Thanks!
  13. S

    couple leaf questions

    Hey all, I have some strange leaf problems. I have pics from different plants. One plant gets burn lines thru the leaves somehow. They aren't even the top leaves, just some random leaf set. Check out the first picture. It had something just like this on another leaf and now there are just...
  14. S

    Bent clones?

    13 days? How long do you plan on letting them root for? What are you doing to root them (cubes, aero, etc). I would hope you are seeing some sort of root growth by now (I had already transplanted my last batch before 13 days). Anyone else have experience with non-rigid clones?
  15. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Yep, that's why I went out and bought the cinder blocks. I'm trying to finally finish off that room and remove all the potential problems. Thanks for the reminder to keep the room clean! ;D
  16. S

    Bent clones?

    Hey all! I just took a batch of clones last night (my first time; very exciting). Anyway, I took from the lowest branches of my mother plants which are 9+ weeks old. I took the terminal + 1-2 nodes; cut at 45, split the stem, dipped in clonex, removed lower set of leaves, dipped in clonex...
  17. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Ok, so now for the acquired clones. I just cannot believe they will be anywhere close to flowering in 2 weeks lol. I wonder what needs to change in this process ;p
  18. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Ok, so now for todays pics. I'll start off with my first set of WW clones. They seem to be doing OK I think :?: I think the sky clones are doing much better. They were taking from my thicker branches than the jazzy clones were. these clones were taken 11/15 and transplanted 11/28...
  19. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    clones taken last night. I wonder if I did it right @__@ First crack at cloning ;D I took the terminal leaf + 1-2 extra nodes as my clone. Then i removed the lowest set of leaves. I took them from the bottom branches of the mother plant. 7 from jazzy, 5 from sky. In the next 1 - 2 weeks...
  20. S

    First grow - WW, BB, Purple Kush

    Now for the room pics with everyone happily huddled together.