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  1. S

    humidity problem, cfl grow

    the temp right now is about 84 but can sometimes get up to 95!!
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    bagseed 2x65w cfls flowering help?!? pics

    heres my bagseed grow with 2 65w 2700k cfls, i vegged for about a month and decided to flower but i lost track and i need to know how long i have till harvest? tell me what ya think.
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    humidity problem, cfl grow

    someone please help!?!?!
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    humidity problem, cfl grow

    currently my lights are off and its reading 45% humidity and 79f does that sound about right?
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    humidity problem, cfl grow

    thanks alot man, now that i think about it i have no idea how far my plants are into flowering, tell me what you think. sorry about the shitty pics had to stick with the iphone.peace
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    humidity problem, cfl grow

    can anyone tell me how i can lower my humidity without a dehumidifier? My plant has been budding for 3 weeks now i'm not seeing to much resin? could that be from the high humiddity?
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    tips curling and yellow leaves. please help!!!

    i've been flowering for 3 weeks now and the tips of the leaves have curled down the bottom fan leaves have been turning yellow and have some holes. i've been using fox farm bg and bb, so I'm guessing it could be a deficiency. please help!!
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    Fox Farm Nutrient Line

    i've been flowering for about 2 weeks now and just picked up some fox farm big bloom, is it ok to use the grow big and big bloom together? and how much should i us? please help. thanks.
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    fox farm grow big

    ok thanks, proble was a stupid question.
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    fox farm grow big

    i've been growing for a couple months now and wanted to try some nutrients, can i use fox farms "grow big" by itself for veg? please help?!?