Search results

  1. DaftAttack

    Total noob looking for start-up tips, Aerogarden perhaps?

    Full time UK smoker here, trying to get myself into the growing world also, for the same reasons as you. Let me know how you do. Im also thinking of what methods to use and came across the canvas wardrobe idea, seems cheap and shouldnt be much trouble converting it into the perfect grow space...
  2. DaftAttack

    Percy Growbox!

    I wasn't too sure about building my own as my DIY skills arnt the best (never really tested them tbh) and i dont want things falling apart half way through my grow. So the percy grow box is no good? is this the general opinion on the forum? wasn't expecting much for 150 just something to get...
  3. DaftAttack

    Percy Growbox!

    Hi fellow stoners.. This is my 2nd post. Really want to get peoples opinions on the Percy grow box before i buy it. Basically i want a smallish 'all in one' type cabinet to keep in my room for a couple of plants. I have seen them on a few websites selling at £150. Know nothing about...
  4. DaftAttack

    New member - indoor start up advice

    Yer well like i said it will be tucked away in my room so i can check it every day. Just dont know wether to get straight into it and spend £150 on the box, and then go from there? deffinatley would prefere to buy an all in one box rather than build myself one. Also, i live in rented...
  5. DaftAttack

    New member - indoor start up advice

    Hi everyone, just signed up today :) Just a little intro, i've decided im fed up of buying my weed from various and unreliable people, and getting a very poor quality smoke in return. I want a new hobby and to be able to grow my own. Not going to ramble on in my first post but i want some...