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  1. rswain1422

    Bending plants that are close to flowering

    Maybe i am confusing bending with supercropping. I am talking about bending the entire plant over and tying it down. If i do this how long will my plant take to get that extra light down below and be ready to flower. I wanted to flower these bad boys soon, but also want max yield i can get. Thanks.
  2. rswain1422

    Bending plants that are close to flowering

    Thanks for your response. I was actually not referring to the pinching and bending of say a top branch but more bending the entire plant over and tying it down. My friend who is an expert grower recommended i do this so the entire plant has an arc like shape. Like i said my plants are getting...
  3. rswain1422

    Bending plants that are close to flowering

    I am growing sour d and they are under 1000 watt lights..2 of them to be exact. I can't let them get any taller, as they are too close to lights but was told that tieing a string or something to top and bending them all the way over so light can hit the bottoms. I have already had the tops...
  4. rswain1422

    beginning Hydro help

    Was wonder how to do hydro as cheap and easily as possible. I have 100lbs of round rocks, cocoa pads, inline fan, I feel like this way is more complicated. Does anyone have a good way to simplify it. I was gonna do 1 or 2 4 x 8 trays, but wondering if there is a simpler way. I listened to...
  5. rswain1422

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Was wonder how to do hydro as cheap and easily as possible. I have 100lbs of round rocks, cocoa pads, inline fan, I feel like this way is more complicated. Does anyone have a good way to simplify it. I was gonna do 1 or 2 4 x 8 trays, but wondering if there is a simpler way. I listened to...
  6. rswain1422

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Hey, y ou definitely seem to know a lot so i thought i would ask you. A lot of people on here are a bit aloof. I am setting up my second room. First one i used a huge 9 and a half foot by 9 and half ft tent, have some plants vegging right now, couple weeks till i flower, i used soil (foxfarm )...
  7. rswain1422

    Vegging clones under 600watt hortilux hilux gro bulb

    Nevermind ..realized they were too young to go under a bulb..they just needed a fluorescent for the time being...they almost got burned... they were too young and and learn! Thanks for the response!
  8. rswain1422

    Vegging clones under 600watt hortilux hilux gro bulb

    Just got some clones a couple days from planting, starting to root. Put them in my 9 x 9 tent about 17 of them...have hilux gro veg bulb, 600 watt , in 9 x 9 tent vegging. Wondering if i need to run my fan yet or if they don't need it. Don't want to hurt my new babies. Any advice would be great...