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  1. Bud Greenley

    Triming from lower levels to try and induce better growth on top!

    what you are talking about is called "lollipopping" i havent done it yet but ima lollipop half of my table. i use 2 600 watts hps lights on a 3 x 8 flood table. the lollipop hopefully will eliminate all of the weak growth at the bottom of the plant.(i call those weak buds "LARF") i can see this...
  2. Bud Greenley

    Bubble cloning, how close do you want the top of the water?
  3. Bud Greenley

    i mixed funk house and chill what u want i got...
  4. Bud Greenley

    Hydro Nutrients Reviews

    CANNA aqua series! period!
  5. Bud Greenley

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i have a supersilverhaze mother that has been growing in soil indoors and i have taken cuttings 4 different times. the clones come out great! i heard that you can only take cuttings around for or five times and thats it after that the plants will produce flowers with no thc. is this true?
  6. Bud Greenley

    Train Wreck, Green Crack, and ???

    gonna have to hermie a plant to get them as its a clone only club strain. just flower the plant for extra time or shock it with weird light schedule and make sure its away from the other girls!:bigjoint:
  7. Bud Greenley

    Some Photos I Took : )

    heres some shots from IXTAPA Mexico.:hump:
  8. Bud Greenley

    I want to become a licensed grower/vender

    check around in different counties some let u gro 100 plants per script! some counties let you grow inside 100 sq feet! the state min is 6 mature OR 12 immature And 8 dry ounces just check around cuz its not the same everywere:lol:
  9. Bud Greenley

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

  10. Bud Greenley

    things you do high that you not think other people do??

    :weed:i like to get apple cinnamon eggos toast em and put vanilla ice cream in the middle. its a stonerific treat!! then its TV time i love my DVR! i get on my bike and take in nature too! the sky seems bluer and the birds chirp more when im high! and of course i llke to watch the miracle in my...
  11. Bud Greenley

    Bug control guide, Everything from Erradication to Prevention.

    i use "pro zap pest strips" now its stronger than the hot shot! check it out! great thread im a subscriber
  12. Bud Greenley

    24 Hour Roll

    i have gone for several days back in the early 90's in san francisco at the club scene! 24/7 clubbin! went for days on end and had a blast! never a bad time. drink alot of water and smoke a bowl in between doses. it kinda grounds you so youll notice the new hit comin on:mrgreen:anyway i knew...
  13. Bud Greenley

    pot makes you stupid

    ive seen more inventive and resorfulness from stoners...
  14. Bud Greenley

    new to RIU love it!

    hey stoners im glad to b here! bongsmilie