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  1. T


    thanks bro!
  2. T


    wtf but just so you know, im already done that nigga
  3. T

    Are these pollen sacs?

    haha you are fucked! these are def balls!! and they have already opened! your females just got fucked
  4. T

    can someone figure this out for me??

    a month? you cant grow shit in just a month
  5. T


    if i start 12/12 straight from the start of the growing, how big will the plants be at the end of the flowering
  6. T

    Need help with babies!!!

    ok flush with as much water u can get! asap
  7. T

    Pictures of Marijuana Plants - Male or Female?

    how long have they been flowering for? you may need to wait abit longer for it to truly show, it looks like it has balls( male) but then it looks female cause of those hairs out of it
  8. T

    Need help with babies!!!

    yes flush them, use lots and lotsssssss of water, if theres holes int he bottom then any extra water will just drain out to they wont drown, what lighting are they on? and how far away are the lights, the lights might be burning them, and is there a fan on them? that can dry them out to
  9. T

    My First Grow

    ok thats good! when are you going to start budding? and trun the fan around so the air is bouncing off the wall first, that will help and id do like 16/8 for a few days and water them LOTS so they can get going good, and then put the on 24
  10. T


    and will i still be able to tell the sex at the end of the first week?
  11. T


    ok. thats for th info! but also how big do your plants get by the end of flowering?
  12. T


    how good is the weed you get tho? and how much do you get with each harvest?
  13. T

    My First Grow

    look good bro! just becareful with that fan pointing at the plants, that can dry then out, thats probly why one of the plants has brown ends, what lighting peroid are you useing 24h?
  14. T

    How long until male pollinates?

    no problem bud!
  15. T


    mine are about 3 weeks old, and about 3 inches high, if i start budding now will it still be deecent green? and how long would it take to fully bud
  16. T


    mine are about 3 weeks old, and about 3 inches high, if i start budding now will it still be deecent green? and how long would it take to bud
  17. T

    I think i'm ready

    oh and also put the rappd up paper towel in a baggie so the paper towel doesnt avaporate
  18. T

    I think i'm ready

    personalty for germing, use room temp. bottled water, wet a thick paper towel with it, make sure its completly wet and damp, wrap the seeds up in it, and then place them in a dark place at room temp. wait maby 5 days, when the sprouts have leafs in the paper towel, then take them out, plant...
  19. T


    can you bud your plants at any time? or do you HAVE to wait a certain peroid?
  20. T


    alright ! thanks guys, ill give it a look!