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    first GT grow
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    First Grow Journal - Psilocybe cubensis - Golden Teacher

    ya I plan to, but I don't really understand how I go about that. Cus this first flush came in very uneven and in the chamber right now I have shrooms that range from "ready to be picked" to pinheads just poking up. Are those pins my second flush?
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    First Grow Journal - Psilocybe cubensis - Golden Teacher

    I used the MYG grow kit which came with: a fruiting chamber, a jar of rye grain, a bag of shredded straw, a bag of casing soil, and some casing starter. First, inoculate the rye grain jar and waited for that to colonize. Once that was fully colonized, I pastuerized...
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    first GT grow

    First I inoculated the rye grain jar that came with the MYG grow kit, then moved it to shredded straw, and finally into the soil casing layer. This morning I was able to harvest a few and get a pretty nice print, but thanks to an uneven pinset I'll be pickin every few hours today lol.
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    first GT grow

    this is my first mushroom grow and everything seems to be going well. I just wanted to posts a few pics and get some constructive feedback if possible. Thanks. BTW i plan to post a full grow journal when they are finished. thanks :peace:
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    Alice In Wonderland (Tim Burton) + Psychedelics?

    i tried to go watch Alice in 3d on shrooms, but wen we got there the movie was sold out and i already ate them. we saw the Crazies instead and i sat staring at the screen scared shitless for almost an hour and a half lol. i had to keep reminding myself "it's all in the mind", it was still fun...
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    The six word story

    saw this today and thought it was kinda cool, and would be even cooler to see what stoned people could come up with. all you have to do is make a short story out of 6 words. the 6 words story is attributed to Hemingway who wrote: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." i'll start with: stairs...
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    thc extraction with acetone

    ok sweet. thanks man. if anyone still has anything to say, that would be good.
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    thc extraction with acetone

    a few days ago i made an extraction of thc from my male plants' leaves with acetone. has anyone else done this before that could give me something to compare my product to? i've been lookin on the internet for what the product will come out to look like, but haven't been able to find anything...
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    The 5 word story

    to pound the car with
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    The 5 word story

    but thank god for geico
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    The 5 word story

    a real candy land princess
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    The 5 word story

    and she lights a blunt
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    The 5 word story

    that wants her mouth filled....
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    if the problem is underwatering, just add some water and it should perk up again reletively quickly. but i would be pretty pro-active about transplanting to a new home if the roots are looking to expand
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    no im growing in soil, but at this stage i think the problems could be pretty similar.
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    it is basically when the plant grows too big for the envrionment, and the roots have no where to go but to head out of the pot or wrap around themselves (which is almost like it is strangling itself) this is my understanding of it at least. other, more experienced, people may say otherwise...
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    another possibility could be that it is rootbound. if the roots are sticking out of the bottom, then that is a pretty good indication i think. if you are all setup then you might want to transplant it, but i would also look for a second opinion.
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    how often do you water it? i'm only on my first grow too, but from what i have looked at on the internet it seems like overwatering seems to be an issue for new growers.
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    peculiar leaves - lillipad shaped :?

    that would have been crazy if it came out with 4 leaves like a 4 leaf clover it "the luck of the irish" haha good luck with yours, im guna keep updatin on this one. hopefully it works