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  1. M

    A Question on Sulphured Molasses

    Hey there guys and girls. I have females flowering in soil and I wanted to add some molasses with every other watering. I see people recommend unsulphured stuff, but I happen to live in the middle of nowhere, so the only, and the only molasse that is available here is Black Cane Molasse, that...
  2. M

    Flowering nute question

    Thanks guys! The charts have ratios both for hydro and soil, on my first grow I followed them blindly and did my babies burn or what! I suppose it is OK to switch from one brand to another in the middle of flowering? Bloombastic users, any tips would be awesome!
  3. M

    Flowering nute question

    Hey there guys and girls. I'm pretty new to growing, have one under the belt already and one on the way. But I've done a lot of research and I also have some basic education in chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology so all these NPK's and ratios are not that much of a problem for me...
  4. M

    Transplanting from soil to bubbler

    Aight, thanks a lot fellas! I'll let them grow for one more week or so, until they look like they're ready to handle the pressure. I need to soak the rockwool and prepare the container. Let's hope the amateur won't screw it up, I'm losing my hydro virginity with these girls (hope they don't turn...
  5. M

    Transplanting from soil to bubbler

    Hey guys, I'm kinda new to growing and I'm doing a little experiment with bagseed. I had a few and they sprouted and I kinda want to try my bubbler. 11 days have passed since I put the sprouted seeds in soil, they are now showing the 2nd set of leaves. They are not so big. Is it OK to move them...
  6. M

    Noob in need. Forced harvest, some questions.

    Hey there, I have 3 nice looking females from bagseed, it's my first grow. They've been flowering since November 1st and I have to be out of my apartment by new year's. That means I have to harvest on December 31st, but I'm not 100% sure they'll be ready. They are well into flowering, about 20%...
  7. M

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    Ok thanks! I'm going to try this stuff.
  8. M

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    Are we talking about soil here? I though a bucket referred to a DWC bucket.
  9. M

    Fewer hours of light during the end of flowering?

    Hey there! I've been reading all over the web that turning your light cycle to 8/16 or even complete darkness during the last weeks of flowering can increase potency and trichrome production? But I've never found any solid answers (maybe because there are none?). I have plants almost 7 weeks...
  10. M

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    I'm going to try one last time. I have a plant 6 weeks into flowering in soil. I really regret not having cloned it during veg, and that's why I find the subject of root cloning very interesting. But like I mentioned before, English aint my mother language although I like to believe I can read...
  11. M

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    Will no one answer my question? :(
  12. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    More than 6 weeks into flowering now. The buds are looking nice, dense, sticky and they carry a decent amount of trichromes. I don't think the yield will be too big though, the plants are rather short. All in all, I think they have been underwatered their whole life. It is my first grow, and I...
  13. M

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    Thanks dude, but I think I have the standard method down. I was asking about the root cloning. :)
  14. M

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    I'm amazed by this root cloning. Does it work in soil? I really don't understand how it works precicely, do you just cut off the roots that have crawled through the drainage holes at the bottom? Sorry, English is not my 1st language..
  15. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    Almost 4 weeks into flowering. Buds are looking nice! 250W 2700K CFL, 18.000 lumens, that should do it?
  16. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    3 out of 4 turned out females! Everything is looking good. Little buds have appeared.
  17. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    I poked the soil in the middle, right next to the plant. It was moist, but not as moist as the "outer areas". I added a tiny bit of water right in the center. But they seem to be doing okay. I'll update in the next few days. And again, thanks to everyone for helping.
  18. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    I just watered them, 500mL each plant. Water came out of the drainage holes at the bottom, so I figured that was enough. Turns out that two of the tallest and most healthy looking plants are girls!
  19. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    Thanks everyone, I'm stoked by your quick and accurate answers. I actually have one more question. Watering. How much should I water each time? I know you should water when the first one or two inches are completely dry, but I really have no clue if I'm watering to little or too much each...
  20. M

    First grow! Need tips about drainage in soil

    Thank you for your answer.