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    safer way to take mdma

    so no one still told me their opinions, does taking these supplements actualy work, as far as making mdma even slightly less harmful?
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    safer way to take mdma

    Are all those things vitamins/ supplements?
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    safer way to take mdma

    ive recently discovered this website that explains the main reasons taking mdma is so bad for you (neurotoxicity), and also a possible way to almost completely reduce the negative aspects of taking it, short and long term, including the neruotoxicity part...
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    wierd little worm/grub/gross thing in my soil

    no, its a mix of MG potting soil, MG garden soil, and a little peat moss
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    wierd little worm/grub/gross thing in my soil

    i was watering my plant the two days ago, and i saw this little offwhite thing that looked like the end of a root, at first anyway, i was literally about to get up and get a little soil to cover it, when it started to move, at first i was like, wtf roots moving? looking for soil possibly? but...
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    My Super Grow Room

    two questions, once is even any room to walk around in there? and two howmuch is your electric bill? or how much gas do you use for a generator?
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    color in stems

    nope, ive procrastinated in that department
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    color in stems

    the stems in my 3 plants, one is about 2.5' and the others are about 8", are green at the bottom and starting about half way up the plants they turn purplish red at some points and stay green in other areas. any knowledge on this?
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    way to induce flowering?

    is there a specific way to induce flowering, as far as i know im supposed to change the light cycle to 12/12, switch to red spectrum bulbs(2700k), and use a phosphorus rich fertilizer, anything else i can do?
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    drooping upper leaves

    all the leaves on the very top few nodes on my plant are drooping, the lower ones are fine just the top ones having trouble. i was misting and i just stopped because people on here advised me too, dont know if that matters.
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    Flowering time question

    thanks for the info guys, appreciate it.
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    Flowering time question

    Approximately how long should it take from the start of flower to being done cured? and also, is it possible to induce flowering before a plant is naturally ready? like change the light cycle to 12/12 and put on red spectrum bulbs?
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    Wiz's 2nd indoor grow w/ chocolope and white widow

    Im from maine and ive had some badass chocolope before, omg it was some of the best bd i ever smoked, if this is the same strain, ur in for a real treat.
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    The hippies grow

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    The hippies grow

    I love how hes all into the oldschool grow and not using new technology, and then he busts out a microscope to look at the germinated seed lmao.
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    misting rules

    thanks for the input guys, great help, if anyone else would care to toss their hat in the ring its welcome
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    when to stop ferting before harvesting?

    Approximately how long should i stop fertilizing my plants before i harvest them?
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    molasses really work?

    so where can i get this blackstrap?
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    misting rules

    Poland spring water lol, once in the morning once at night both about two hours after/before lights on/off