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    Target NPK Mg numbers

    huh, no one can help me here??? I thought folks would know this. How do you go about your nute mixes?
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    The Bigger The Pots The Better ?

    I am a larger the better type guy. In my old grows, I grew 1 plant using a 32 gallon rubbermaid filled with 20 gallons of nute solution. I plan on having around 20 gallons per plant this time in custom made tubs. Here are some pics;
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    Target NPK Mg numbers

    ^ up for the afternoon crowd.
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    Target NPK Mg numbers

    Looking to see what the target NPK, Mg, and other micros (sulfur, CA, ect.) are optimal during different stages of growth. I plan on 3-5 nute changes during flower. I am looking for a starting point and will tweek it as I learn my strains' needs. I used to use the lucas formula numbers as my...
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    ebb & flow buckets vs. large tub DWC - growing trees

    good shit - i will look at what those guys got going.
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    ebb & flow buckets vs. large tub DWC - growing trees

    best idea I have heard so far. I will give both a run and see what I like best.
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    ebb & flow buckets vs. large tub DWC - growing trees

    Trying to decide what system I want to use. I will have 2 1000 hps lights, each light over a 4x4 table. Each table will have 2 plants, harvesting each table 4-5 weeks apart. I will have 2 plants in veg (4-5 weeks) at all times. Either way I go, i am plan on building my reservoirs from 2x...