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  1. S

    White Widow and Kushberry 400w!

    Messy - I have a question for you. Why did you decide to go with such a huge amount of CFMs? I was just reading your Green House WW grow and your temps didn't exceed the low 80s. I'll agree that having the optimal temperature is always the goal, but isn't that a bit overkill?! Would you have...
  2. S

    Hey - noticed the avatar... Is that a Flame?

    Hey - noticed the avatar... Is that a Flame?
  3. S

    Seedling looks stunted and miscolored

    It's been three days since this little seed sprouted out of the soil, but it looks weird. As opposed to it's cousins (they all but one came from the same bag), one of the round leafs is stumpy, short, and yellowing. The other round leaf is flourishing, as well as the first set of edged leaves...