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  1. W

    is she ready

    nice looking plants, complemented by the good pictures you took, what did you use to Magnify in so close, and what kind of camera if you don't mind me asking. Keep up the good work
  2. W

    My New stealth Cabinet

    yea that is why i used the reflective duct tape... it is real duct tape made for ducts which can handle they are CFLs they dont get that hot... plus how i built it was pretty strong without tape the spectrum is 2700... is that not good?
  3. W

    My New stealth Cabinet

    Nothing...... Well here i have created me a reflector for a couple large CFLs, created all out of duct tape, reflective duct tape and siding sheetmetal for a house, and two rubber sockets for the bulbs... oh and two wire nuts and a power cord that i cut off some old appliance. now that its...
  4. W

    My New stealth Cabinet

    Okay so here is my new Grow cabinet. MY old dresser has been freshly renovated. 16" X 30" by 3' Tall. riped out all the drawers and broke the face off of all of them, then screwed them all in place Painted it all white as you can see. caulked all the cracks so it is air tight and light proof...
  5. W

    Another set-up...another attempt!! PC GROW WITH PICS

    i would try to seal up all the cracks so it dosnt leak any light out ...are you going to flower them in that too?
  6. W

    her leaves popped out at only half inch! female?

    yea with my luck all the big lengthy plants always turn out to be males and the smaller ones females.....never works out how you want it
  7. W

    best book youve ever read

    the emperor wears no cloths Jack Herer Awesome book